Crime in the streets

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Trunks and pan got up from the bench and started walking back home. "Hey trunks, maybe you and I can spar and see who's stronger!" Said pan. "yeah maybe. Who do you think would win?" Asked trunks. "Probably you. Since you can go super saying and I cant!" Pan Joked. "STOP RIGHT THERE!" yelled a person from the distance. Trunks and pan looked and ran to the part of the city where they heard the voice. They arrived to the scene. It was a robbery. "Oh no!" Yelled trunks. "trunks. I suggest you stay back. I'll handle this." Said Pan. Trunks put his hand on pans shoulder. "wait. I'm not scared. If we both fight we have a better chance of winning!" Said trunks. Pan smiled. The police officers were about to shoot at the robbers but the criminals threatens to shoot them and the citizens watching. "Hey!" Pan yelled. As her and trunks jumped on top of one of the police cars. "listen give back the money you stole from the bank! And drop your weapons!" Yelled Pan. "Who do you think you are little girl?!" Asked one of the criminals.

 "Who do you think you are little girl?!" Asked one of the criminals

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They pointed their guns at her. "PAN!" Yelled trunks in concern. The people of the crowd were shocked. Also one of the people in the crowd was pans ex-boyfriend Poparue. " It's that crazy girl!" Said Poparue "If you shoot pan. All of you are going to die." Said trunks. "what's a boy with a jean jacket with a fake sword gonna do?! Are you a cosplayer or what!" Laughed one of the robbers. Trunks got out his sword and ran into the battle field and swing his sword and it broke one of the robbers guns. "Like I said. Listen to pan. And give the stolen money back. " Said trunks. Then another one of the criminals tried to shoot trunks he dodged the bullet but it grazed his leg. "Ah!" Trunks yelled as he got hurt. "Trunks!" Yelled Pan. Pan got mad and dashed to the scene. She dashed and beat up most of the criminals. Trunks saw how she fought. "woah!" Trunks said in amazement. Then a bunch of the criminals tried to jump her. "leave pan alone!!!!" Trunks yelled as he beat up all the criminals. Finally, they were all knocked out. Trunks was in pain but he was able to walk. "Trunks! Are you okay?!" Asked Pan. "I'm fine pan! I've felt worse pain!" Said trunks. "do you need a doctor?" Asked Pan. "No." Trunks said. "you sure can take a hit huh?" Asked Pan. Trunks blushed. "I'm okay. Let's get back home!" Said trunks. "Wait trunks!" Pan said. Pan took off her bandana.

Trunks was shocked, he never seen her hair without the bandana before. She wrapped it around trunks wound to help stop the bleeding. "But pan your?" Asked trunks. "I can wash it when we get back home. You needed something to stop the bleeding." Pan said. "thank you pan." Trunks said. "No problem!" Pan said while winking. Trunks couldn't stop looking at pans long hair. "Your hair is really hot Pan." Trunks said quietly.

"Say what?!" Pan asked. Trunks blushed. "You did good fighting out there!" Trunks said while laughing nervously. "Same to you!" Pan said while smiling. Pan winked a trunks. Trunks blushed. "Your hair is hot too... Baby!" Pan flirted while winking. Trunks blushed and collapsed down to the ground in embarrassment. Trunks Picked up Pan in his arms and the two flew to Pans house.  

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