Messenge from Ex

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Pan had trouble sleeping. It wasn't because she was upset though she was happy she met trunks. And was happy she made a new friend. "Trunks..." Thought pan while blushing. Then all of a sudden pan got a text messenge from Poparue.

"Pan, I didn't know if you noticed but, I saw you fight crime again. I just want you to know half the kids in school are mad at me cause I dumped you. Please give me a second chance pan. Also who was that weirdo dude you were hanging out with? Hope your not taken!"

The text messenger said. Pan noticed she had school the next day. She didn't know if Poparue was meaning what he said or if he was messing with her.
"That idiot! But I didn't see him!" Thought pan. "and trunks isn't weird! He's my friend! A better friend than you'll be Poparue!" Pan thought.
Pan turned her phone off and walked to the living room to tell trunks and Goku. But so far there was no sign of them anywhere. Pan went outside and saw the two. "Trunks? Grandpa?" Asked Pan. "Pan aren't you supposed to be in bed?" Asked Trunks. Pan pulled out her phone and showed Goku the message. "Wait is this from your ex pan?" Asked Goku. "Wait is this from that dumbass guy you told me about?" Asked Trunks. "He wants to date me again." Pan said. "But I don't think it's for good reasons." Said Pan. "What makes you think that. I mean I know you shouldn't do it Pan. But tell me why do you think that?" Asked Goku. He was testing Pan to see what she would say. "He said everyone in school is mad at him for dumping me and the fact they call him the coolest kid in school, he is trying to get his popularity back." Said Pan. "Bingo! You are exactly right Pan. Good observation, But Don't fall for it." Said Goku. "And if he does anything to you. Get me!" Said Trunks. "Okay Trunks. I have school tomorrow. I hope he doesn't try anything." Said Pan. Trunks was worried about Pan. "Pan if you want I can hang around your school for Abit. And if I sence your In trouble. I can help you." Said Trunks. "Can you Trunks?" Asked Pan. "Of course!" Said Trunks. "Thank you!" Thanked Pan. "Thank you, Trunks." Goku said.

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