Poperus intentions

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Trunks drove pan to school in one of the capsules vehicles he took with him. Trunks was driving pan on their way to school. Since it was just pan and trunks. They both felt pretty awkward being in a car together. "I didn't know you could drive trunks!" Said pan. "Well. I drove a lot of my Mother's Cars when I was younger." Said Trunks. "Your mother is Bulma you said? She's one of my family friends." Said Pan. "Yeah...." Trunks said while blushing. "...Okay....I don't know why I feel so awkward right now. I mean I guess it's because whenever a boy in a girl are in a car together they...." Thought Trunks. "...They kind of have sexual situations in private..." Thought Pan. "...Is that why this is awkward? But Pan is my..." Thought Trunks. "...Friend..." Thought Pan. "...But Trunks seems more than a friend to me for some reason but I don't think it's like that..." Thought Pan. "...She seemed more like a no, not like a sister maybe a..." Thought Trunks. "...a mega..." Thought Pan. "...Mega Best Friend!..." Thought Trunks and Pan at the same time. "...Yeah! Nothing Sexual or...I do wonder what's underneath his...STOP! WHY AM I THINKING THAT?!" Thought pan. "Yeah...Not the kind of people that do weird stuff in cars! Yeah..." Thought Trunks. Pan and Trunks both noticed they were in deep thought but didn't realize they were thinking the same thing. "Are you okay?" They both said to each other at the same time. Then they both blushed and felt embarrassed. Then they started laughing hysterically. Then they finally arrived to orange star high school. "This is the school my Mom and Dad went too Trunks!" Pan said. "Soooo? Did you go to high school?" Asked Pan. "Not really I was homeschooled by my mother." answered Trunks. "By the way what grade are you in Pan?" Asked Trunks. "I'm a Junior." Pan answered. "Cool!" Trunks said. Trunks opened the door for Pan to help her get out of the car. "Okay. I'll see you when I get home Trunks!" Pans said as she was about to leave trunks grabbed her hand. "Trunks?" Asked Pan. Everyone stared at the two. Along with Poperu Pans Ex. "Pan. If your Ex does anything to you? I'm gonna show up. I'll be around the building. Raise your power level of you need me. Don't hesitate!" Trunks said as he held her hand tighter. "I wont hesitate Trunks." Pan said as she hugged him. Then Pan left and went inside the school. One of the high schoolers walked up to trunks. " Are you a friend of pans?" Asked the girl. "Yeah I am." Said Trunks. The girl then walked away to Poperu and whispered in his ear. "okay. I'm gonna date Pan no matter who she's with!" Poperu said.
Trunks was concerned for pans safety. Especially since he knew Pans ex was in the school. Trunks want the only one who came. Goku showed up as well. "Hey Trunks. I see you aren't wearing your sword." Said goku. "I have a feeling I'm gonna be going inside that school." Said Trunks. "Me too. Nobody is gonna hurt my grand daughter!" Said Goku. "Keep an eye for Pans energy. That's her signal if her ex tries anything." Said Trunks. "I know. I overheard you two talking." Said Goku. "it's not that I don't trust you Trunks but I'm gonna keep an eye on Pan wherever she goes. If You know what I mean?" Asked Goku. "I understand. And that's good. Especially today." Said Trunks. Trunks and Goku felt like something bad was gonna happen to pan. They were ready to fight anyone to protect her.

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