Chapter 41

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The written part of the NEWT exams took an entire week. 

With the help of my muggle supplies, the notes I have taken all year long, and my love for books, history was easily passed. When seeing I had connected the uprising of elrik the eager to the gargoyle strike, nearly 100 years later, professor Binns nearly burst in tears of joy, which I took as a good sign. 

I had the pleasure of discovering on the Charms exam a spell I had thought would be useless to study: the memory charm. Luckily, the name said it all. If I focused, I could recall a red rimmed page about its counter spell. 

I tried to redeem myself on the next question about a Gemino curse and how to recognize it, adding a few more lines than necessary. 

Ancient runes was rather tricky. It seemed that the creators of the exam had taken pleasure in writing runes that resembled each other nearly exactly. 

At the end, Hermione and I compared answers, hoping to correct ourselves and prevent us from stressing over the results. 

I knew I had correctly described the effects of felix felicis, having seen it for myself the night of the attack. From the look Potter and Weasley gave each other, I knew they were confident on at least one question. 

The rest, I had enjoyed more or less, depending on how I felt about the questions. 

Sitting on a wooden bench at the entrance of the Great Hall, I was one of the last to be called for the Charms, Transfiguration, and Defense Against the Dark Art practical part of the NEWT. 

My heart was still pounding from the Potion practical. I was forced to wipe my palms every few seconds to prevent my sweat from messing up the potion I was working on. 

My hands were shaking so badly during the Herbology part that I had nearly spilt dirt all over the examiner in charge of watching me. 

How I managed to sit still and wait for my name to be called, I had no idea. My mind hasn't gone into full panic mode yet, which I took as a positive sign. 

The doors to the great halls were slightly pushed open and a small wizard with a gray beard peeked his head into the room.

"Rose Collins," he called out in a squeaky voice.

Taking a deep breath, I composed myself a neutral expression and a smile I tried to show off as peaceful. I hoped I was doing a good job at faking it. 

I sat down in front of a long desk, where two wizards and one witch of an advanced age observed my every movement.

"Wand?" asked one of the wizards, pushing his glasses up his nose.

I bit the inside of my cheek, preparing myself for a long explanation, but the witch, who's hair was as white as snow, elbowed him, eying the wizard disapprovingly.

"This young lady does not need it." She smiled, turning towards me again. "Let's start, shall we?"

I nodded.

They shot a few questions across the table, giving me enough time to prepare my answer and demonstrate a few spells. 

I pitied the poor rat as I accidently made it swell instead of enlarging it properly. The revealing charm worked well and I managed to impress one of the wizards by performing a powerful Deprimo charm. 

I must admit that my heart skipped a beat when one of the examiners positioned himself in front of me in a fighting stance, requesting that I duel with non-verbal spells only. 

I briefly closed my eyes, reaching deep into my determination to succeed. I would not fail. I would leave this school with praises and would be remembered as a brilliant student. 

Fighting with renewed fierceness, I fired spell after spell, moving in sharp hand gestures and twirling as if I were fighting for my life. I was fighting for my future. 

A blue spark signaled the end of the examination. 

I was breathing heavily, my limbs feeling as heavy as if I had just ran a marathon. 

The wizard I was duelling smiled and bowed. "Lovely work, Miss Collins. Now, for a few extra marks, are you able to perform a corporeal patronus?"

Despite my exhaustion, I still felt pride when a silver fox burst from my palm, an ideal representation of every effort I made in this magical world.

Walking out of the Great Hall, a bright smile graced my lips as I saw Draco waiting for me. 

Adrenaline allowed me to run and jump in his arms, laughing in relief. I kissed him, my stress and worries melting. His lips moved against mine, pulling me closer to him, and I allowed myself to relax. I now belonged somewhere. 

Malfoy moved back slightly and smiled. "I went to see Dumbledore today, to see if he could do something about my dark mark."

"And?" I asked, lacing my hands around his neck.

He raised his forearm and a bright smile illuminated my features, my heart melting in my chest. 

Roses and thorn encircled the dark mark, trapping it behind a veil of red and green. In the midst of the rose bush, a single white flower with large, open petals peeked out behind a thorn.

"A narcissus," I whispered, tracing the tattoo with the tip of my finger.

"For my mother," he said softly. "She has always protected me."

"I love it," I smiled, truly touched by the design on his forearm.

He smirked, pulling me closer to him. "You know what I love?"

I threw my head back and laughed, a blush spreading on my cheeks. "Now, now. Don't go cheesy on me."

He chuckled. "Sorry, love, can't help it." Draco pressed a quick kiss to my forehead. "As much as I'd rather stay here with you, we have an end of year party to attend. Blaise and Charles are hellbent on making you stay for at least a few hours."

I rolled my eyes but didn't complain. 

How could I, considering I only had a day and a half to spend to spend with my family?

A/N Not much time left until the end of the school year... sigh. 

Thank you so much for reading, you people are great!


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