Chapter 1 - How it all Began

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"I'm going to destroy you! All of you!"

Romeo's voice echoed throughout the terminal space, his hollering bouncing off of the walls and cast back at them. Every word made Jesse's heart race faster, adrenaline pulsing through her veins as she clutched onto her friend for dear life.

"Just hold on, Jesse." Petra said breathlessly from where she was lying on her stomach on the floating platform, both her hands gripping one of Jesse's.

Jesse gulped thickly, her hold on Petra's hands tightening. She glanced down, her legs beating the air. Heart rate accelerating even more as she took in the void that rested below her. Petra's grip tightened even more, and Jesse heard her grunt as she tried to heave her up.

There was no time to see if Petra was even capable of pulling Jesse up from the edge. Romeo all of a sudden barreled straight into Jesse from out of nowhere, ripping her away and taking her with him. Jesse heard Petra scream after them as she was yanked from her friend's grasp.

"Once I get my hands back on that gauntlet-!"

Jesse held her hand that had the golden gauntlet on out of Romeo's reach as his fingers grabbed at it. She balled her hand into a tight fist inside of it, focusing on keeping it out of his grasp. It was impossible to tell what was happening around them as the world whizzed past at the speed of light.

"Romeo! Come on!" Jesse called in desperation as she tried to struggle free from his death grip with no success.

Suddenly a jolt rippled through them as somebody threw themselves on top of Romeo, sending the three of them tumbling to the ground. Jack and Romeo rolled to one side, while Jesse slid to the other. The gauntlet was pulled from her hand, lying discarded on the slick floor.

"The gauntlet!" Jesse gasped breathlessly as she managed to push her sore body up from the ground.

Immediately Romeo bolted in her direction, his hands outstretched for the gauntlet. Jack grabbed the Admin by one leg, pulling him back.

"I got him, Jesse!" He called out to her. "Go for it- Ah!" Romeo managed to kick Jack back, sending him sliding across the ground.

Jesse bolted up from the ground, running for the gauntlet as Romeo flew towards her. A split second before he could reach the gauntlet, she managed to clasp her fingers around it. Pulling the gauntlet over her hand, Jesse pulled her arm back and balled her hand into a tight fist.

"Administrate this."

Using all the strength she had left in her strained limbs, Jesse launched forward, her arm shooting out at Romeo. Her fist met him square in the chest, both their screams sawing through the entire terminal as everything was engulfed in a white explosion.

Jack and Petra covered their eyes, cowering back from the bright light. Blinking dazedly as it faded, almost dizzy as they tried to make sense of their surroundings again. The first thing to catch Petra's eyes, was Romeo. Slumped against a few stairs, gasping for breath. Immediately both she and Jack unsheathed their swords, running towards him.

Jack was quick to hold his diamond blade by the former Admin's throat in a threatening manner, before he could even think about moving a muscle. Petra however stopped dead before she could even reach them, her eyes glancing around for their friend as she came to the realisation that Jesse wasn't there.

"No..." Petra breathed as her eyes spotted the limp form of Jesse on the ground, thrown a good few feet back from where she had been standing. Head titled to the side, eyes closed and tan skin a horrendously pale colour. "No!"

Completely discarding her sword and tossing it to the side, Petra sprinted towards her unconscious friend. She dropped to her knees beside Jesse, her hands immediately searching for a pulse. A slow, weak beat.

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