Chapter 16 - Back Below the Bedrock

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Petra was woken up by the warm, bright morning sunlight shining down onto her face. She squeezed her eyes shut, wanting to block out the light and sleep some more, but the brightness made it physically impossible. Finally giving in, Petra blinked her eyes open, finding herself staring up at a bright blue sky.

Groaning, Petra pushed her stiff body up into a half sitting, half lying position. Her body felt like that of somebody who had slept on a hard wooden surface all night, which was exactly what she did.

By the time Petra and Lukas left the paddock the previous evening, Jesse had already found the boats and pushed one to the shore. All three of them had bundled into it and set off. It didn't take Petra and Lukas long to nod off, both of them drained from the day's ride. They must have slept through arriving at the island, as the trip couldn't have taken much more than two hours.

Grimacing, Petra sat up properly and rubbed her tired eyes. Her entire body was sore and bruised from lying on the wooden surface, and she felt slightly seasick from sleeping in the rocking boat all night. The air had a vague rotten egg smell, a clear indication that they had arrived at the swampy island.

Lukas was still asleep in the boat, so Petra simply gave him a prod with her bare foot, before clambering out of the boat. She shivered slightly as she stepped into the shallow ocean water, the coolness sending tingles up her legs. It was a nice feeling, the early morning air already warm.

Petra trudged to the shore, carrying her boots in one hand with her bag slung over the other shoulder. She stopped by an old fallen log that was partially in the water. Sitting down on it, Petra dried off her feet as best she could and yanked her boots on.

"You're awake!"

Petra looked up from tying her laces, seeing Jesse wave to her. Jesse was looking a lot more cheerful than she did before, actually smiling. The morning breeze played with her long, uncombed chestnut hair.

"Hey." Petra greeted, accepting Jesse's hand to pull her to her feet.

"I spent almost all night looking for the spot Jack buried the helmets, but I found them!" Jesse explained as a sleepy looking Lukas also came trudging to shore.

"That's good." Petra said, pulling her bandanna off and raking her fingers through her dishevelled red hair.

"I have never felt less like going deep sea diving." Lukas muttered, still sounding half asleep. "Please tell me we can eat something for breakfast and wake up first?"

"You've clearly never been through one of Romeo's portals." Petra said, folding her arms. "Believe me, the last thing you want to do before going through those is eat. And besides, we're out of food."

"Yay." Lukas mumbled, leaning over the water's edge as he tried to use his reflection to neaten up his blonde hair.

"If Xara's been working on restoring the Oasis, the two of you could probably get something to eat there." Jesse said. "Remember all the automated farms she mentioned? If those things are up and running again, I'm sure they could spare you some bread or potatoes."

"If they give me potatoes, I'm screaming." Petra muttered, shuddering.

"So, what's this sea temple going to be like?" Lukas asked, peering back into the water. "Lot's of traps? Deadly pufferfish? Zombie dolphins?"

"I don't think zombie dolphins exist, Lukas." Jesse said, chuckling.

"We can't go in through the front without the gauntlet." Petra explained. "Lucky for us, Romeo's prismarine colossus completely smashed open the room we need to get into. It'll be a breeze!"

The Endless Torment of an Admin (MCSM Fanfiction)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα