Chapter 6 - Giving up Hope

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Jesse collapsed the moment her feet touched the ground, the world spinning around her wildly. For a moment she just lay there, her eyes squeezed shut as she waited for her stomach to get used to gravity again. Alright, teleporting was so much more nauseating than going through a portal.

Jesse's eyes short open, inhaling sharply. Teleporting! She had actually teleported!

Quickly sitting up, Jesse looked around herself. She was lying on the grass, dark oak trees surrounding her. The forest, she had teleported right out of Beacontown!

It only took a second for Jesse's face to fall again as she got to her feet, eyes coming to rest on the buildings in the distance. What she had done hung over her like an immovable cloud.

Tears pooled in Jesse's brown eyes, the former red glow having dimmed to just a haze. She had no way of knowing if Petra even survived the third attack. What if she had killed her best friend?

Jesse's legs slowly buckled beneath her, and she sunk back onto the grass. She buried her head into her hands, giving way to the tears. Her sobs echoed through the empty forest.

For how long Jesse sat there, she didn't know. Her lungs were wheezing, sobs coming out raspy and almost completely inaudible. While her body was physically not affected, she was emotionally exhausted. All the regret weighing her down, hurt.

Reaching up, Jesse wiped her eyes on the sleeve of her T-shirt, before shakily pushing herself up from the grass.

She couldn't go back, she couldn't face any of her friends again. If Petra didn't make it, she'd never be able to live with herself. And if she survived, Jesse couldn't imagining looking her in the eye again.

I'm sorry.

More tears began trailing down Jesse's face as she turned her back on Beacontown. Walking deeper into the forest, while resisting the urge to look back.


Lukas had completely lost track of time. Minutes felt like hours, hours felt like eternities. He wasn't sure for how long he paced up and down the same room, or for how long he sat slumped forward in one of the chairs with his head titled down and hands grasping at his blonde hair. Nothing had been able to take his mind of the situation he was trapped in. All he could do was wait, worry, assume the worst. Replay those awful memories in his head, finding them more horrifying each time, as he waited to hear whether his friend would make it out alive or not.

"...broken ribs... ...internal bleeding... ...concussion...."

Lukas closed his eyes again, gritting his teeth. He couldn't take the suspense any longer, it was absolutely killing him.

"...really bad blow to the back and neck... ...potential spinal cord damage...."

His grip on his own hair tightened, trying to pull his thoughts away from the awful memories.

" ...risks... other choice..."


Lukas's head shot up upon hearing his name. He manage a quick, flustered smile, standing up to face Axel and Olivia.

"How's she doing?" Axel asked.

"Petra's hanging in there, for now." Lukas said, taking in a deep, shaky breath. "But it's not looking good. And if she survives this, there's... there's no telling if she'll walk again."

"God, I can't believe this." Olivia said, biting her lip and shaking her head. "I was fighting with her yesterday and now I might never see her again."

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