Chapter 11 - Time Doesn't Always Heal

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The moon was high in the sky, only patches of stars visible behind brewing rain clouds. It was a warm summer night, even in the usually cold hours before dawn. Usually Jesse spent those nights out under the stars, using the constellations above to distract her from the thoughts and emotions boiling inside her head and heart.

But the last few days, Jesse has been even more of an emotional mess than she's been the past months. After the horrible realisation that struck her one morning, she hadn't been able to think about anything else.

It's been an entire year since she ruined things with the rest of the Order.

Jesse didn't know how to feel. Was she horrified at how long it's been? Was she surprised it's only been that long? At times it felt like only yesterday they were all still friends, while it sometimes felt like it had been centuries.

Whatever she felt, Jesse did make the decision that she wanted to see her friends again. And not from afar.

Taking a deep breath, Jesse glanced back at the nether portal she had just stepped out of. It was the quickest and easiest way to Redstonia, and her fastest route to her oldest friend.

Pulling the grey hood low over her head to hide her face, Jesse slowly began walking across the bridge to the main island of Redstonia. Her heart pounded aggressively inside her chest, anxiety clawing at her spirit. She had to do it, she had to try and make things right.

Despite how quiet the town of Redstonia appeared at night, Jesse could feel the eyes of guards burning into her. Olivia had upped the security of the engineering town years ago, after some major invention thefts. She wouldn't get in easily, but sneaking in also wasn't the plan.

"State your business." One of the guards growled at Jesse as she stopped outside the large gates. "What brings you to Redstonia at this time of night, and with such obscure attire as well?"

"Your leader will know who I am." Jesse said softly, not lifting her hood and revealing her identity. "Tell Olivia, the Admin is here. I just want to talk." Her voice had begun trembling on the last words.

It was silent for a moment, before Jesse heard the familiar static of a redstone radio – Olivia almost always carried one on her. There were a few mumbles of apology from the guard, before Jesse heard him softly repeat her words.

Silence on the other end of the radio, only static. For a moment Jesse didn't know if Olivia was going to respond or not. But then her friend's familiar voice came through.

"Tell her to leave. If she refuses, make her leave. But be careful, while I doubt she'll attack, she's very capable of doing so."

It felt like Jesse's heart stopped beating inside her chest, her breath catching in her throat. No, no, she didn't think Olivia would turn her away!

"I insist, this is important!" Jesse begged the guard. "I have to talk to her!"

"I'm afraid Olivia isn't interested in hearing what you have to say. Now begone, unless you want to feel the power of a redstone taser."

Tears swam in Jesse's brown eyes, her heart throbbing with betrayal. But could she really blame Olivia? After being the one to leave, for almost a year?

"I said begone, intruder!" The guard growled, his tone growing more threatening. "No amount of begs or tears are going to get you through these gates!"

Jesse slowly stepped back from the gate, her movements slow and reluctant. Then, with a heavy heart, she turned away from Redstonia and began walking back across the bridge towards the portal. Her sobs were unheard, but there.

The Endless Torment of an Admin (MCSM Fanfiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant