Chapter 14 - A Journey's Beginning

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It was early morning, the air still crisp as the sun began peeking over the horizon. A clear sky stretched out above the forest, foreshadowing a sweltering, yet beautiful summer day to come.

Petra stood in front of Ray's stall, holding on to the mare's headcollar with both hands and looking into her calm, almond shaped eyes. The bay blew gently through her nostrils as Petra stroked her muzzle with a gloved hand, leaning down and pressing her forehead against Ray's.

"Big day today, huh girl?" Petra whispered. "I wish I could take you all the way."

Ray snorted again, nudging Petra gently. Giving the horse another scratch behind her ears, Petra turned away from the stall and left the barn. She had gotten up extra early to feed and brush Ray, so the mare would be ready to be ridden by the time they set out towards Beacontown.

"Ready for today?" Lukas asked as Petra walked back into the cabin, sinking down on one of the dining chairs.

"Nervous, if I'm quite honest." Petra said, leaning her forehead down onto the table. "I swear I've never felt this queasy before an adventure, and we've been on way more unpredictable ones."

"It's understandable, the stakes are higher." Lukas said, giving Petra's shoulder a pat as he walked past. "We're not after some treasure or temple this time, and it's more than Beacontown or another city on the line."

"Speaking of, where is Jesse?" Petra asked, lifting her head again.

"Outside." Lukas said, stopping by the window and peering out. "She's been in that meadow all night, I don't see how she's going to have the energy to get through today."

"Jesse's an admin now, she doesn't need rest." Petra pointed out softly. "You saw her yesterday, she didn't eat a thing either, or even take a sip of water for that matter."

"That's going to take some getting use to." Lukas admitted, heading back towards the hallway. "I'm just going to grab my journal for the trip, then we should be all set. I have all our supplies packed."

As the blonde left the room, Petra scraped her own chair back and got to her feet. She walked to the door, stepping back out into the crisp morning air. The sky was getting lighter by the minute.

Just like Lukas said, Jesse was sitting out in the meadow with her back facing the cabin. She was no longer wearing the grey cloak, revealing the ragged clothes she wore beneath. Her long chestnut hair blew behind her in the wind.

Petra stood a few metres behind her, almost feeling a little uncertain about approaching her friend. She hated it, she hated fact that deep down she had a knot of fear coiling in her gut every time she got near Jesse.

Her friend hadn't shown any hostility since the three of them reunited, but she also kept her distance from them for the most part and got pretty quiet as the previous day loomed to an end. Petra didn't know how fragile her emotions were at the time.

"Hey." She said, still a few feet away from Jesse. "We're almost good to go if you are, Lukas is just being a typical writer and grabbing a book."

For a moment it was silent, and Petra wondered whether Jesse heard her or not. But then she heard a soft "Okay" and the shorter girl stood up from the grass. Petra gave her a quick smile as Jesse came walking over, which her friend half-heartedly returned.

"You two ready?" Lukas asked as they approached the cabin.

He had already lead Ray from the barn, and was holding the excited mare's reins in one hand. Both Jesse and Petra nodded, Petra accepting the reins from Lukas. Jesse watched solemnly as Lukas legged Petra into the saddle, the redhead squeezing her left leg to Ray's side while her right rested loosely in the stirrup.

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