Chapter 12 - Fixing the Mistakes of the Past

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The first thing that came back to Lukas was pain. His head pulsed violently, every throb feeling like a hammer against his skull. The pain was quickly followed by a wave of nausea and dizziness. It wasn't until the worst wore off, that he realised he was lying on a hard surface, his back and neck stiff and sore.

Something cold was suddenly pressed to the side of Lukas's face, a presumably open wound stinging violently. Lukas hissed in pain, gritting his teeth. That quickly got a reaction from whoever was with him.

"Lukas? Lukas, are you awake? Can you hear me?" That sounded like Petra's voice.

Not finding his voice, Lukas only let out a soft groan, trying to force open his heavy eyelids. Everything was starting to really hurt.

"Come on, Lukas, just give me a sign that you're okay." It was definitely Petra.

Clenching his jaw, Lukas finally managed to force open his heavy eyelids. He found himself looking up at two pairs of concerned blue eyes.

"Petra?" He finally managed to croak, voice just above a whisper.

"Thank god." Petra breathed, breaking into a relieved, yet still worried smile. "Scare me like that again and I swear I'll kill you."

"Very..." Lukas flinched. "...funny. What happened?"

"You tell me." Petra said, offering Lukas a hand to help him into a sitting position. "Sorry I just left you on the ground, this leg wasn't going to let me move you."

Lukas only gave Petra a stiff nod, gritting his teeth as she slowly helped him upright. The world spun around him for a moment, until everything stabilized again.

"How're feeling?" Petra asked seriously. "I gather like shit, but is it the I'll manage kind of shit, or the get me to a hospital kind of shit?"

"Try the I should be okay but I might throw up on you kind." Lukas mumbled, rubbing his forehead and flinching. "I'm fine, it just had to be a really bad blow."

"Once again, you tell me." Petra said in exasperation. "Can you remember what happened at all?" She wanted to hear what Lukas had to say first, before even thinking about mentioning what she saw.

"Jesse." Lukas said, instantly causing Petra's blood to run cold. "She was here..."

"I thought it was her glowing eyes I caught a glimpse of." Petra said softly, shaking her head. "Please tell me you can remember more than that. Why would Jesse turn up out of nowhere after an entire year, just to hurt you?"

"She... she wanted to talk." Lukas said, his eyes closed and one hand resting on the side of his face. "I got mad... Just, seeing her in front of me after she left all of us, after she hurt you! It made my blood boil... and deep down, I was honestly scared of her. I can't remember more, something must have triggered her to-"

"-loose control." Petra finished, shaking her head. "This is exactly what happened a year ago, I may not be able to remember everything, but I know I was the one who pushed Jesse to the point where she did something she didn't intend to."

It was silent between them. Lukas didn't open his eyes, keeping his head rested in one hand. Petra had sat back on the wooden floor and was thoughtfully tugging at a loose thread on her pants leg. Her blue eyes were narrowed.

"We have to make this right, Lukas." She said softly after a while. "Jesse obviously has regrets, just like we do. If she's finally come out of hiding, what is still stopping us?"

"An entire year's worth of emotional driven power." Lukas replied, mustering the courage to look up at Petra. "Jesse nearly killed you a year ago, Petra, she's going to have even less control over herself now. Just take a moment to realise how dangerous she could be."

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