Chapter 10 - A Ray of Hope

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Jesse hadn't been trying to find the cabin.

She was bursting with pent up energy, frustrated and restless after being spending days just laying in her cave. She had felt defeated, giving up on trying to do anything. Wishing she could die there, whether it be of hunger, thirst or the cold. But her powers kept her alive. Finally after what could only be weeks, Jesse heaved herself up from the ground and began walking again.

And, without consciously heading in that direction, Jesse had soon found herself looking right at Lukas's cabin through the trees.

A thin trickle of smoke was rising from the chimney, a sign that the blonde was home. Jesse remained hidden between the bare trees, not wishing to make her presence known to her old friend. Even though she didn't plan on showing her own face, she hoped to catch a glimpse of him. It's been months since Jesse saw any of her friends, and her heart ached because of how much she missed them.

A whinny coming from the back of the building caught Jesse's attention. Maybe she didn't have to sit there and wait for Lukas to come out, maybe he was outside already!

Carefully standing up, Jesse crept around the house. She remained between the trees, as if they formed a protective barrier that kept her out of sight. Even though it wasn't the best hiding spot with the lack of shrubbery and leaves, Jesse still blended in fairly well.

Kneeling behind a large grey rock, Jesse carefully peeked around it. As expected she could see Lukas from there, bundled up warmly with only bits of blonde hair peeking out beneath his hat. He was standing in the round pen, one hand resting on his bay mare's neck while the other held her reins. She was saddled up, but Lukas didn't look like he planned on riding her.

Jesse began to smile. Despite the circumstances, it felt so good to see one of her friends again.

"Whenever you're ready, okay?" Lukas's voice suddenly made Jesse jump.

She looked around in confusion, searching for whoever he was talking to. Jesse wouldn't put it past Lukas to be talking to his horse, but it didn't sound like that was the case...

Jesse's train of thought was broken when another person, who had been hidden behind the gate from her angle, came into view. Immediately Jesse's heart skipped a beat, recognising the familiar blue bandanna and uncombed red hair.

Petra was walking with difficulty, leaning slightly on a make-shift wooden cane as she made her way over to Lukas. Jesse watched as Petra shakily passed the cane to Lukas so she was standing by herself, before grasping the mare's bridle with both her gloved hands. Her breaths came out in large white puffs.

"You're sure you're ready for this?" Lukas asked.

"Yeah." Petra responded, nodding quickly. "I'm ready, just..."

"This is a big step, I know." Lukas said understandingly. "It's alright, we're going to take this nice and slow. Let me give you a leg up."

Guilt washed over Jesse like a wave. Petra was alive, but she could barely walk! It was all because of her... She did that to her friend, it was the consequences of her actions.

Shaking her head, Jesse pulled away from the scene. She tugged the coat of the grey cloak low over her face, hiding the tears that were already painting her rosy skin. The red glow was quickly returning to her eyes as she made her way back into the woods, dragging a whole new chain of feelings with her.

"How does that feel?" Lukas asked, stroking Ray's face as he spoke.

"Good." Petra said, adjusting her seat in the saddle. "A little off balance, but that's my fault. My legs aren't strong enough to hold on."

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