22. Fall out 2

135 44 22

Dedicated to @leeemmmy

I miss the days --NF

I yawned as I lazily got out of bed. I shut my eyes immediately I opened them. The light ray seeping through the curtains temporarily blinding me. I gently opened them again. I got up, did few stretches and made my bed.

I opened my phone and started listening to music, Jon Bellion's "All time low" as I took my toothbrush. I later settled for a blue mid-length blue dress, it looked like it was going to be a warm day, except if mother nature changes her mind. I peeled off my p.j's and got into the shower, Consequences by Camilla Cabello in the background. I can't think of a better way to start a Saturday.

"Do you know what my shirt is made of? Boyfriend material."

As soon has I came out of the bathroom, I reply the message:

"Who cares?"

"Morning dad." I said as I sat on the kitchen island.

"And since when did you stop kneeling to greet? You woke up late, I'll assume it was because of yesterday's journey. Anyways, prepare breakfast, I got something for you." He said as he scanned his newspaper.

"I'm sorry sir." I said.

Sheesh, it's been a while I cooked.

I cooked jollof rice, it looked better than it tasted.

"I brought some clothes. They are inside the orange nylon by my bed side." Dad said getting up to his room, I guess. He never packs his plates.

I use this moment to check my phone. It buzzed while I was cooking.

Tobi💖: Morning sunshine

I smiled as I replied his message.

"You don't want to catch feelings at this age. You have a long time ahead of you." I turned to see dad behind me. He must have forgotten his phone and turned to leave.

"You and mom got together at 15 right?" I smiled at his retreating figure.

He turned and his facial expression hardened. He knew what I was driving at, I mean, I'm 17.

"Lati igba ti o ti de lati, o ti wa lori isimi mi. Ma ti mi ju, o mo nkan ti mo le se."

(Translation: "Since you came back, you've been getting on my nerves. Don't push me too hard, you know what I can do." )

He calmly said. I knew I went too far. It scares me when he talks like that. I mean, how can you be angry and can at the same time? "Your stepmom to-be would be here tomorrow, compose your brain." With that, he went into his room, locking the door.

Well, so much for a Saturday.

I got up and washed the used plates. I just need to clear my head. I cleaned the table and did few chores. It was outing time. I changed my clothes into my favourites, a black pair of joggers and a white tee, wore my flip-flops and plug my earphones in. I'm going to the estate garden. I opened the door and got on the front porch:
"At the estate garden. I'll be home before 3pm."
And send, 11:43am.

• • •

I tucked my palms into my pockets as I made it to the estate garden. I didn't even get the orange nylon sef.

The fresh smell of grass hit my nose as I trailed the path gently. It reminded of when I was 10, my Mom and I visited her friend's garden, and how I almost cried at the sight of a squirrel. I smiled at the memory.

It saddens me when I think about it. It's like everything is crashing; my family. Moving on might be the best option, it just looks or sounds easy. It's an unpleasant sudden change.

It's really unbelievable to start living with someone you barely know and boom, you start bonding. I can't just start talking about anything, the question should really be, what's there to talk about? Time, they say will heal our wounds.
Or maybe I don't want to move on.

"It's nice to talk to you again. I'm 'X' ..."
Can anyone guess who X is?

"It's really unbelievable to start living with someone you barely..." I know this feeling and it's overwhelming. It's unexpected to just start 'vibing' with someone who would replace another person. I don't know if you get this in my own words.
Mr. Williams attitude is not also helping. I wonder what went all wrong. I do hope "step mama" is nice hehehe.

Well, I'm sure we do remember "X". We'll be finding him soon. Call your maths teacher😂😂
And do you think "our Daddy" is too hard on Faithe?

Vote, comment and share. I think it's worth it🙈

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