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Listen to the silence, it has so much to say

George Weasley lost an ear, taking away 50% of his hearing. But after the traumas of the war he lost most of his hearing. He wasn't sure if his body just didn't want to listen to the echoes of his past or if it was just the dark magic that cursed his ear off. Nonetheless, the boy started to lose his loud self, becoming quieter by the day because he didn't want to explain to people why he couldn't hear or why he tended to talk louder or why they had to repeat themselves several times for him to understand them. 
Fred helped him in any way he could. He felt his twin slipping away from him as he spoke out to everyone while George stayed behind him.

The shop was the only time George Weasley talked to anyone, it was his dream job and he took it quite seriously.

The boy had now taken over the register, collecting the money, giving back the change and the only conversation he had to make was 'have a good day!'.

No, George Weasley didn't stop pranking, making new products or being happy. He just didn't speak to outsiders. Other than the Weasley clan, Harry, Hermione and Fleur, the younger twin spoke to no one. He didn't feel comfortable not being able to hear what the other was saying or being able to hear himself.

George had gone to a healer to get his ears checked but the man just shrugged and called it trauma. That's what they were doing to anyone who had a problem these days.

George wasn't sad, but he wasn't the same person he knew himself to be a year ago. Sometimes he would look into the mirror and fiddle with his hair or put on a hat or anything to hid that small hole that used to be his ear. He wasn't insecure about what he looked like, he just didn't like the reminder that he could barely hear anymore.

When Fred saw him do that, he didn't point out anything to his brother. The boy instead went home to explain the situation to his parents. Lucky for him, Hermione was there too because she came up with a brilliant idea.

Fred took his extendable ears and charmed the ear part of it to look as realistic and identical to his ear as he could.
Hermione called it a prosthetic, a word Fred didn't understand at first but once the girl explained it to him, he jumped with joy at the idea.

Fred spent about four hours trying to make it look realistic and though it wasn't as real as his ear, it was better than a hole on the side of George's head. No, it wouldn't bring his hearing back but at least it would make him less insecure in front of other people.

"So, what do you think?" Fred asked, grinning widely. (The boy had to practically shout to his twin)
"It looks amazing! Thanks Fred!" George was ecstatic. Fred chuckled at how loud his twin was but didn't want to tell him.
"I know it won't bring your hearing back but I thought you might like the ear"
" 'ear 'ear!" George said and Fred laughed.
"You're pathetic you know"
George definitely felt better with something forming out of the side of his head but it didn't make him any more confident around other people.

It was Percy and Audrey's engagement party. Percy had decked up the courage to ask her to marry him and she obviously said yes. The two had only met about a month before the war when times weren't the best and it was Audrey who helped him through the tough times Percy was having with his family. She also scolded him a lot when he behaved wrongly with Molly and apologized for him after the war. They had been dating for seven months now but loved each other and anted to make it official.

Fred and George  apparated to the burrow pretty early into the day, with their suits in their hands, because Molly would eat their heads off if they didn't.

Deafening Silence | George Weasley (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now