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You made me feel beautiful when I felt like nothing


Iris sat with Audrey in a small muggle restaurant as she furiously explained the details of the wedding.

"So, You're my maid of honor and Adele and my sister are my bridesmaids."

"Do I have to be your maid of honor?"

"Yes" Audrey said giving Iris no chance to say No.

"Do I have to give a speech? Or do anything special?"
"Not unless you want to" Audrey was beyond excited for her Wedding. Iris huffed, knowing that would have to do something special for the girl because Audrey had been planning her wedding since she was six and wanted it to be as perfect as possible.

"And you ofcourse know Fred, Ron and George are the groomsmen" Audrey's mention at George's name intrigued Iris.

"George Weasley" she wrote down on her notepad.
"What about him?" Audrey asked.

"He's cute"

"Want me to set up a date for you?" The girl teased her friend who furiously shook her head.

"Tell me a little more about him"

"He's a prankster, Own's a Joke shop, was very famous at Hogwarts, funny, pretty clever, two years younger than us" Audrey went on and on about George and Iris listened carefully.

"He's pretty loud and bold like you"

"Bold? Loud?Me? Not anymore" Iris scribbled.
"Oh come on! You're pretty amazing! I can really set you up with him if you want"

"I'd rather not 'talk' to people. They ask too many questions that I don't want to answer. Forget I asked about him"

Audrey looked at her friend quizzically but dropped the subject bringing her attention back to the wedding.

It was almost Christmas, the snow started setting on the streets and the cool winds blew through Iris's hair. The girl had picked the wrong day to go out for a walk. It was dark, gloomy and very cold. She made her way home to see Audrey standing outside her door.

"Oh! Where were you?" She asked. Iris looked at her with a quirked eyebrow.

"Sorry, were you out for work?" Iris shook her head.

"Just a stroll?" The girl nodded.

"You shouldn't be out here in such cold. Let's go inside! I'm freezing!"

Iris and Audrey made their way inside Iris' apartment. Though the girl worked with her sister, Iris didn't live with Adeliene. She lived in Diagon Alley but in a completely different area. She didn't want to depend on her sister so much and actually wanted to have a life of her own,

"Okay, so I know you told me to forget it, but like the amazing friend I am, I haven't" Audrey made herself comfortable on the couch as Iris grabbed her notepad.

"What are you on about?"

"Christmas party at the Weasleys. I can introduce you to George" Iris gave her friend a horrid expression.
"Don't look at me like that! You made a mistake mentioning it! Now, it's obviously on the 24th. Starts at 10, you can stay over at the burrow if you'd like because we will be opening presents the next day. I'm pretty sure Molly won't mind"

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