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We go together like a winter morning and a warm jumper


Iris reluctantly walked out to the main hall trying to ignore the looks she was getting from some people.
Her eyes were so occupied trying to avoid George's, she didn't realize that she bumped into the same person.

The girl nervously looked up at him, fiddling with her fingers waiting for him to say something along the lines of, "I'm sorry." Or "it must be horrible" or "what did the healers say?" But George didn't say anything.

He instead stretched his hand out to hers and raised his brows expectantly. When Iris didn't move (and stared at him) George finally spoke up, "Dance?" His voice was pretty loud, cutting through the music. Iris was hesitant at first but put her hand in his anyways.

"You may have to lead though." George sheepishly smiled, "I cant hear the music" Iris looked at the boy in utter confusion because to her, the music was pretty loud.
"I'm mostly deaf" George said again and Iris almost choked on her own saliva.

The two stood in the middle of the dance floor completely still just looking at each other. "When I found out that you couldn't talk, the first thing that came to my mind, well the second, was how perfect this was. You can't talk and I can barely hear. We fit like puzzle pieces do! I don't care that you can't speak because there is no way in hell that I could hear you even if you did."

Relief washed over Iris as a grin spread across George's face. He softly placed his hand on her waist as she placed hers on his shoulder.

"Lead the dance, will you?"

A smile started twitching Iris' lips as she lead and George followed. The two swayed with the music perfectly, enjoying themselves to the fullest.

"Did you ever learn any sign language?" George asked her, trying his best not to speak too loud but he really couldn't tell. She looked at her sister to the left who was happily munching on the food. The girl whacked her arm and received a sour look from her sister. George chuckled and repeated his question.

"She's too stubborn. I tried but in five months, she learned total of 10 words. She barely goes to the classes anymore" Adeliene now received a whack in the head for speaking too much.

"It's true!" She exclaimed.

"All I heard was stubborn, ten and classes" George said. He felt so much more comfortable with Iris around. It was a sudden change and Fred definitely noticed. "But I get it. She probably didn't go even if you told her to"

Adeliene nodded with a laugh and George felt proud of himself.

"There's no point. I tried for a whole month straight and got no where" she wrote down and George rolled his eyes.

The rest of the wedding was spent with Iris and George walking outside the building in the garden before it.

"Chocolate or Vanilla?" George asked and Iris signaled one, which meant chocolate.

"Same. Favorite color? Blue?" She shook her head.
"Red? Orange? Pink? Purple?" The girl repeatedly shook her head. She then pointed at a sunflower.

"Yellow?" Iris nodded. She pointed at the flower again and then made a heart with her hands.

"You love sunflowers" she nodded. (Yes, I am aware that this is set in January and this is a loophole but I don't want to change it so just go with it)

Deafening Silence | George Weasley (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now