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So kiss me and smile for me
Tell me you'll always be there for me


When Iris said she knew a place, George had not imagined this. The two stood in a queue for a carnival entry.

"So what exactly is this?"

Iris took her notepad out to write her answer since she couldn't use magic in front of muggles. "A carnival"

"CAR-NI-VAL" George said out loud and Iris nodded.
"And what do we do here?"

"You'll see" The girl was beyond excited to introduce muggle things to George.

Adeliene's parents were both wizards and when the girls were 12 and 13 respectively, Adeliene's mum married Iris' dad. By birth, Iris was a muggleborn and despite being in Hogwarts, her father made sure to give her an experience of all muggle things.

Carnivals were her favorite and she had seen enough movies to plan an ideal date at a Carnival.

"Ask for two adult passes" she wrote down for George and he bought the Tickets through the muggle money they had.

Walking through the entrance, George was blown away. He had never seen anything like this.

Iris was excited to show him around and so she grabbed his hand and pulled him through the crowd. Pointing out her favorite places as George looked at them with no words.

To ease George into the rides, Iris took him to the carousel. "This is a carousel. You sit on one of the animals and it goes around. It's a fun slow ride." She explained.

Iris sat down on the white horse and beside her George on the black one.

"Now what?" He asked but before Iris could answer, the carousel started turning. George was amazed by it and bombarded the girl with questions who only laughed.
The two were looking around for their next ride when George pointed out to a small rollercoaster track, "What's that?" He asked.

She quirked her eyebrow at him, "not that one yet. It's scary"

The boy scoffed, "how could it be scary? It looks like a train track. Let's go check it out!" He pulled her towards the line.

"Don't tell me I didn't warn you"

"How bad could it possibly be!?" He asked with confidence. She pointed to the roller coaster ride which was now starting. The coaster picked up speed as people screamed in excitement and fear at once.

"You still want to go?" George looked at the coaster in horror. This was not what he was expecting.
She smirked at him in victory.

"No! I'll go! I have Gryffindor blood in me!" He puffed his chest out. Iris rolled her eyes.

As the two got closer to sitting onto the roller coaster, George because slightly more nervous.

"You sure?"

"I'm not scared of anything!" He stated and Iris shrugged.
They sat almost at the front of the cart, their seat belts on and George gulping.

The coaster started to slowly climb up the tracks in a slow speed, "Okay this is slower than I-" the boy never got the chance to finish his sentence as they dropped almost vertically.

Deafening Silence | George Weasley (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now