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Revenge? I like to call it returning a favor


It was dead in the middle of the night. Iris felt herself unable to breathe, unable to cry for help and unable to move. She felt her body struggling against the bounds. She wanted to call out for help but she had no voice.

Her eyes shot open and she tried to move but she couldn't.
"Don't move so much, it's not going to help" She looked around the room but she was still in George's room. Was she dreaming? She looked to her left and George was sleeping soundly.

"You aren't that stupid Iris" Someone came into her view. Iris panicked at those dark eyes that stared at her evilly. She tried to move, she tried to disturb George's sleep but it wasn't working. "He won't wake up" Iris' eyes widened, "He's not dead, just a sleep"

Communication felt harder than ever to Iris. She tried to move her hands but it felt impossible, she was under a body bind charm.

"Oh right!" Mallory laughed, "You can't talk"
Iris didn't give up, she kept trying to reach for her wand or George or something but all her tries were for nothing. She couldn't do anything.

"Look, I'm not here to kill you. That's no fun. I rotted a whole year in Azkaban while you got away, which isn't so fair. So I thought I should share the experience with you. Because we both know that you were supposed to be there with us" Mallory sneered.

Iris stopped. She gave up for once. Mallory wasn't wrong, she was actually right. Iris was supposed to be in Azkaban but she got away with it. She was supposed to rot in one of those horrible cells but she got away.

"Watch out Iris, we're right behind you. And before you try to turn us in to the Aurors, think about tonight. There might come a day where these potions aren't just for sleep" Mallory threatened as she stood up. "Sleep well, love" With that the maniac whipped her wand, removing the charm from Iris and apparating out soon after.

Iris didn't even try to move. Her whole body felt tightly gripped under the charm even though Mallory removed it.
Her mind was racing as she thought about what she was going to do. Should she tell George? Should she run away? Should she fight back?

As tears trickled down her cheeks, Iris spent her night wondering how she was going to get everyone else out of this mess.

When George woke up the next morning, he saw Iris sound asleep. Not wanting to wake her up, the boy slowly tip toed out of his room. He woke Fred up since they had to open the shop up and the two sat down in the kitchen with their teas.

"I have a feeling something is really wrong" George told his brother who gave him a raised eyebrow. "Her house burned down. That was definitely not a kitchen fire. She doesn't cook. And then sending us out of the room to talk to Audrey and Adele, they are hiding something" Fred nodded.

"I know what you're thinking, give her some space George! She'll be fine" Fred rolled his eyes at his brother, "But I can't get it out of my head"

It was funny how George's loss of hearing had given him a better intuition of what the other person was going to say, especially Fred. They had come to a point where the twin didn't even have to speak anything for George to understand.

In a way it was good because Fred was no good at sign and George was no good at listening.

Iris woke up to an empty space beside her, which scared her little. After her interaction with Mallory at night, Iris became more paranoid than ever.

Deafening Silence | George Weasley (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now