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I like me better when I'm with you

As a healer, Iris happened to know a lot of things that Audrey didn't know about pregnancy or children. Even though she hadn't specialized in this field, she knew her basics.
So when Percy frantically ended up at their apartment in the middle of the night, Iris knew exactly what was happening.

Luckily Audrey reached St. Mungo's on time and Iris made sure everything went smoothly.
"Name?" Iris asked Audrey and Percy.
"We have, a few, but I think I know which one I like",Audrey told Iris and Percy who were peering down at the small bundle.
"Which one?" Percy asked.
"Molly II"

Iris stayed at the hospital for the rest of the night with Audrey and Percy. When George awoke to an empty space beside him, it was odd. He got up, taking his hearing aid with him, and left the room to see Fred and Lee already up.
"Did Iris leave?" He asked Fred with a large yawn.
"I don't know, is she not home?" Fred replied.
George walked into the kitchen to get himself something to eat where a he found a not.

I'm with Percy and Audrey
St. Mungo's

The handwriting was scrawly and untidy. She definitely rushed out of the house.
"Fred! Lee!" George called out as he walked back to them, "I think Audrey had her baby"

Iris was fast a sleep on a chair outside Audrey's room, when the three walked into the hospital.
Fred and Lee chuckled as they walked into the room where Percy and Audrey were with their newborn but George stayed outside.
"Iris!" He shook her slightly but she was deep into her sleep. He shook her a few more time, "Do you want to go home?" She opened her eyes slightly and shook her head, "you need sleep" she shook her head again.
Rubbing her eyes, Iris sat up straight in her chair, "time?"
"Did you meet her?"
"Not yet"
"Let's go inside" She stood up, still slightly drowsy. Her hand went around his arm as she leaned into his side. The two walked in and met the small girl.

"Molly II" Percy came up beside him, "Mum will be happy"
"Happy? she'd be overjoyed" George chuckled.

A time came where Iris didn't see George for days. Times at the hospital were busy, Iris liked to help Audrey and Percy out with Molly. Adeliene had come home to visit her 'niece', her sister and her parents  which also meant Iris. George had a shop to run and with Iris barely going to the Burrow anymore, George was also put to do all the work for the Wedding. 

Iris sat on the sofa of their apartment with a tub of ice cream to catch her breath. George came up not much later and looked at her in shock and disgust. Iris was very confused when George left the room but all that confusion was cleared when he returned with a spoon and sat down next to her, "I haven't seen you in like a year and when you get free time you eat ice cream? without me!?" He dug his spoon into the tub and Iris chuckled. 

Only a few minutes later, Lee walked out of his room, "Is that chocolate chip!?" He walked to the kitchen and came back with a spoon as Iris shook her head. By the time Fred came up from the shop, the three had managed to finish the whole tub and he wasn't too happy about it. 

April came with another news. Harry came to the flat on one of the weekends and sat down before Fred and George in all seriousness. 
"Is something wrong?" Iris asked eyeing Harry. 
"I really don't know" George shrugged. 
A few more minutes went by and Harry spoke up, "I want to Marry Ginny"
"Way to take away our thunder!" George joked and Iris hit his head lightly. 
"I wanted your approval, you both mean so much to Ginny" 
"That's sweet"
"Are you sure about this?" Fred asked stifling a laugh.
"What do you mean?" Harry tilted his head to the side.
"Well, Ginny Weasley is no easy woman" George explained in short and surely Harry knew that. 
"You sure you want to marry her?" Fred repeated himself. It was his turn to earn a whack in the head from Iris, "Be nice, poor him" 
"Yes" Harry was confident. 
"Well, pray for him." 
"She will throw a chair at you if you mess with her-"
"-And she will have no hesitation in hexing you"
"You are the boy who lived, in the past-"
"-That doesn't mean you are the boy who WILL live"

April end came with night terrors and flashes from the past. Iris spent her week staring at the ceiling. Even blinking brought back scenes that she ever wanted to re-live. But Iris wasn't the only one, George and Fred were equally traumatized from the day when George was stabbed and Fred couldn't do much about it, When George lost Iris and thought he may never find her again, when Fred heard Iris' voice for the first time and then lost a part of him when she lost it again. Lee on the other hand didn't know much about what had happened, he assumed it was the terror of the war haunting them all, it haunted him too.

May came with parties for victory and mourning for the ones who lost it all. Adeliene came back from Paris and went to the graveyard with Iris to see the girl she once loved. They sat there in silence for who knows how long, but it never seemed enough. 

When it came to celebrations, Iris couldn't bring herself to go meet Victoire Weasley. She couldn't bring herself to feel anything but guilt about this day. George was hesitant about leaving her home alone but she insisted. 

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