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All you have to do is stay


It was a week before April 1st and Iris was still at home with her parents. She spent her days with a twisted stomach, occasional throw ups and the awareness of the closeness of May 2.

Locked up in her old room, the girl lay in her bed with moments of the past flashing before her eyes.
She was just fine when the war ended and it had been almost year. Why were these things coming back to her?

George had been Owling Iris every few days and she had been reply occasionally. She didn't know what to tell the Weasley. The girl had been sick for more than two weeks now and she refused to go to St. Mungo's.

"Iris, honey you have to go to a healer!" Mrs. Menkim to told her daughter as she rubbed her forehead.


"How about I take you to a doctor? Muggle doctor? You have to get this checked! Maybe something's wrong with you"


"Would you like to come downstairs for dinner? I've made your favorite pie" She said in a cheery voice.


"You're not 5 anymore, No is not an option. You are coming down and eating dinner with your father and I. You are going to a healer or doctor and getting yourself checked and you are going back to work and meet the twins and your sister because they are really worried" The mother was stern this time. She had been trying to get Iris off the bed for a while now and it wasn't working.

After much negotiation, Iris came down for dinner and ended up not eating the pie because she wasn't in the mood. She agreed to go to a muggle doctor and refused to go home yet.

The small hospital at a nearby muggle town was gloomy. It was quiet and pretty much empty. After a while in the waiting room, Iris walked in with her mother.

"How can I help you?" The doctor asked with a warm smile.

"She's been quite tired and nauseous all the time. We thought it was just a stomach bug but it's been happening for two weeks now"

The doctor asked Iris to sit on the table as he ran small tests on her. "What about your menstrual cycle?" She asked and Iris shook her head.

"Late" she signed and turned to her mother to translate.

"And your voice, have you been this way since birth?"
"No, it happened last year after a traumatic incident"
"Very well" The doctor sat back down on her desk, "I suggest you take a pregnancy test and if that comes out negative...."
Iris didn't hear the rest. Her mind went blank and her heart fluttered. What is she was pregnant? How would she tell George? This is not going to go well.

March 29, 1999.
Iris came back to her apartment not feeling any better. Her thoughts were distant and her body was tired.

Going back to St. Mungo's every month was going to be a torture. She wasn't okay but convinced her parents somehow that it was time to get back on her own feet.

The girl did go to work but Adeliene instead told her to give herself a break so Iris apparated to the burrow.

Percy and Audrey didn't live at the Burrow but spent most of their time there. Knowing that her best friend would be there, Iris apparated there.

"Iris! How are you feeling?"

"Sorry to show up like this, is Audrey inside?"  Iris wrote down on a paper and handed it to Molly.

Deafening Silence | George Weasley (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now