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I don't understand this
You're changing, I can't stand it
My heart can't take this damage


"Why would Mallory and Will take her in?" Fred wondered, "they could've just given her to ministry and earned money instead, thinking from a snatcher's perspective"

Draco rolled his eyes at Fred, "Did you know her at all?"

"We know who she is now" George said bitterly. He was obviously not happy about anything being revealed about Iris, not because Iris was a snatched before but because he didn't know any of this. Why did he never ask? Did her past really matter that much? Maybe it did.

"Mallory was infatuated with her" Draco told them, "I'm not proud of it but walked in on them snogging once, it was quite embarrassing"

Fred didn't know if he wanted to spit his drink out of his mouth because of laughter or shock.
"How do you even know her so well? She's never mentioned you being a friend of hers" George questioned, his tone still sour.
"Because we aren't. She was just like me, forced into the wrong decisions, we found ourselves in each other but soon she became one of them. I don't know how or why it happened" Draco explained.
"Atleast she didn't exactly kill anyone.." Fred muttered and Draco looked at him sheepishly.
He hadn't told them before but he should've, "She did, one muggle..."
Fred and George both looked right at Draco for any chances of 'I'm only messing with you' but that never came.
"Ted Tonks to be specific"

It turned out that the person Draco was waiting for was none other than Harry Potter and Teddy Lupin.
The boy greeted the twins with a surprised look on his face as Teddy reached out for them, his hair turning bright red. Fred took Teddy from Harry and smiled at him but the only thing the twins could think was that Iris killed this boy's grandfather, his family.

George glanced at Teddy who was babbling at Fred and he couldn't take it. The boy stormed out of the pub and walked with purpose but he didn't know where he was going.
Fred followed soon after, with the self writing quill in one hand and a parchment in the other.
"George!" He hastily grabbed his brother's shoulder. George spun around in anger.
"Where are you going?" Fred asked him, gasping for breath.
"I don't know! How could I not know? Why didn't I ask?" He yelled.
"Because it didn't matter who she was before the war, it only matters who she is now. Currently she's missing and we have to find her" Fred responded, putting his arm around his twins' shoulder and leading him back to where they came from.

"In the letter, she specified the places too much. It has to be a clue!" George told Fred after re-reading the letter for the hundredth time.
"Maybe we should check all the places she mentioned. I don't think she'll be in Diagon alley." Fred suggested.

The two searched every shop in knockturn Alley, asked the people around but got no luck.
They moved on to Godric's Hollow which was much bigger than an alley and took far longer than they expected. By the time Fred and George finished their search in Godric's Hollow, the sun had started to set as nightfall covered the sky.
"Hogsmeade, that's our last option.." George mumbled more to himself than to Fred.
"We can't give up now.."

Iris stood before Mallory and Will, behind them Audrey and Adeline bound and their wands taken.
"Look who decided to come here!" Will sneered.
"Good to see you again Iris" Mallory stood beside him with her wand pointed at Iris. The the narrowed her eyes at Mallory who seemed completely unfazed.
"Look, your sister is here!" Will turned to Adelie who was fighting with the binding charm and failing miserably.
"What do you want" Iris signed. Mallory turned to Adeliene and asked her to translate it for her.
"Just torture you, maybe kill you once I'm done. I don't know, I haven't decided yet" The girl replied casually.
"Now you can do this two ways. If you cooperate, I might let those two go but if you don't, they might not make it out, ever" Mallory smiled at Iris, "And I like you, I keep my word"
"I was protecting myself"
"You were a selfish bitch! Now look what happened to you! No voice! And soon when lover boy comes to rescue you, no him either. Such a shame"
"You won't. You can't kill anyone here or you'll be put in Azkaban"
"Not if I get away with it.." Mallory turned to Will, "this sign language isn't working for me, want to fix it?"
Will lifted his wand and shot a spell at her big the girl could do nothing to dodge it. She wasn't bound like her sister but she was unable to more her feet. Her wand was all the way across the room and there was no way she could shout for help.
"Go on, speak" Will urged her. Iris frowned and looked at him with confusion, "You see, I'm the one who took your voice away, just as a small payback" Will explained. "Now say something!"
Iris had forgotten how to speak. She opened her mouth but she couldn't bring herself to say anything. Her throat felt dry and she didn't remember the last time she spoke. Almost a year ago.
"I-"Her voice came out hoarse and croaky, "Why?" She managed to ask
"Because you messed up big time, hon" Mallory Rolf her. She lifted her wand, "Crucio!"
Iris couldn't scream before but now, they echoed everywhere. She could feel her body shaking, her eyes brimming with tears from the pain and her throat hurting from the shouting.
Mallory stopped, "You hurt me Iris, you betrayed me. We took you in and you broke our trust"

Deafening Silence | George Weasley (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now