Chapter 1- POV Louis: The Pigeon Attack

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Sweat drips down my forehead and soaks my caramel colored hair as I punt the football towards the goal at the end of the field. It misses by a few inches, and I groan, cradling my head in my hands. 

Every day after school I have been staying after to try and improve my skills on the football field. My biggest goal is to become a professional footballer for the Doncaster Rovers, my favorite football team. In order to do that, though, I need to get better. 

I start jogging to the end of the field to retrieve the ball and notice a small group of pigeons to the right of the football. I groan again. 

Ever since a pigeon flew into my bathroom window last fall, I have had an irrational fear of birds, specifically pigeons, and now they are trying to haunt me on the football field. Just my luck.

 In an attempt to avoid them, I walk far to the left of the pigeons, but one of them flies straight towards my face. It lands aggressively on my head and begins to attack me, scratching up my face and pooping in my hair. The rest of the pigeons follow the first one's lead and start attacking me as well.

 News stories flash through my mind. Doncaster Teen Dies in Fatal Pigeon Attack. This is not the way I want to die. 

I try to run away from the birds, but they follow even as I fall to the ground. After what feels like an hour of battling the group of vicious pigeons, I decide to give up. Curling up into a ball, I accept my fate and squeeze my eyes shut in agony.

Startling me, a jacket whips around my curled up body and all the pigeons attacking me fly away in a flock. 

"Are you okay?" A voice asks. 

I cautiously open my eyes to a boy standing over me. He has curly brown hair and the most beautiful green-blue eyes I have ever seen. He smiles kindly, showing off his adorable dimples. He looks younger than me, but he is quite a bit taller and more muscular. I immediately have a crush on him. My face turns beet red. I must be quite the spectacle right now.

"I was here practicing with my band and I saw you getting attacked by pigeons." He explains. I stand up too quickly, but I get dizzy and fall over again. 

My heart stops as he wraps his hand around my waist to stop my fall. "Don't try and get up, lad. How do you feel?" 

I try to reassure him that I am fine but he doesn't seem to believe me. I don't want to embarrass myself in front of him, but I seem to already have done that, which turns my face even redder. If I had any chance of dating this boy, I have just annihilated it. 

"Just- let me walk you home?" He insists after I refuse to see the nurse. I agree to his request. 

I lean on his shoulder as he helps my limp across the field. And then I feel my insides swirling around because here I am, leaning on the most handsome guy I have ever seen, covered in scratches and poop, and then suddenly I find myself leaning into the woods, vomiting, a soft hand rubbing my back. This couldn't get any worse. 

I sit down again, looking up at the boy. He is staring at me with an empathetic smile pasted across his gorgeous face. He helps me up again and we continue across the field. My stomach is still churning, but this time for a different reason.

"Thanks for that. What's your name, by the way?" I ask shyly, not tearing my eyes away from my feet, which have suddenly become quite interesting.

"I'm Harry. Harry Styles. I'm a freshman here. You're Louis, right? Louis Tomlinson?" I nod, shocked that he knows my name already. 

Not many people know my name at this school, even though I have been going here for nearly three years. I tend to fall into the group of kids that nobody knows exist, because we aren't gutsy enough to be considered a 'bad kid', but we aren't smart enough to be considered a 'genius', and we're not quite cool enough to be 'popular', which results in me hanging out with the other invisibles of my grade. I'm not good friends with any of them, though, because we are all much too quiet to talk to each other.

"Let's get you home." The walk to my house feels like forever, and it doesn't help that my heart is beating out of my chest as a result of Harry's buff arm resting on my shoulder.

I wave goodbye to Harry, miserably confident that I will never see him again, before opening the door and heading inside. Mum immediately rushes over. "My goodness, Louis! What happened? Who did this to you?!"

"I- it doesn't matter."

"Louis, I know you're a very nice kid, and you probably don't want to get anyone in trouble, but you need to tell me who did this to you so I can help you!"

"Just some birds." I mumble.

"What's that, hun?"

"Some birds." Lottie, my younger sister, giggles from the kitchen table. "Oh, shut up, Lottie. There were a bunch of them!"

"Birds did this to you?" My mother asks skeptically. I nod, but she doesn't seem to believe me. After another few minutes of trying to get the "truth" out of me, she gives up, even though she still doesn't believe the bird story. I take a shower to get the bird poop out of my hair and clean up the scratches all over my face, hands and back.

Though I'm in pain, I can't stop thinking about Harry. Whenever his name pops into my head, I get butterflies and start sweating. I like him, a lot, but I don't think he likes me back. 

I have always liked boys. Some girls are okay, but I don't obsess over them like all of my guy friends do. They don't make me excited, or nervous, or... anything, really, not like boys always have for me. 

I am pretty sure my family knows I'm gay, but I haven't officially come out to them yet. I have always been a little... eccentric. My favorite outfit I own is a pair of bright red trousers with a black and white striped tee, and when I was younger I dressed up in princess dresses... a lot. 

 I have barely even come out to myself, so coming out to them (or worse yet, all of my friends) is terrifying, and not something I am looking to do anytime soon. 

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