Chapter 3- POV Louis: No Control

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I am about to punt the football towards the goal when I see Harry approaching me on the football field. My heart momentarily stops beating. I start sweating faster than Niagra Falls and give myself an internal pep talk. You've got this, Louis. Be confident. 

As he gets closer, I freeze out of nerves. His curly hair is shaggy and perfectly messy and he looks so cute right now. He is wearing the school uniform with a pair of skinny jeans, which accentuate his fit body.

I get butterflies looking at him. The walk towards me feel like hours. It seems as if he is walking in slow motion, and I can't control my nerves. I thought we would never see each other again after the last embarrassing encounter, but here he is, walking towards me. He is walking towards me. He wants to see me. 

I suppress the strong urge to run towards him and hug him, which leaves me standing there, frozen, eyes wide, my back wet from perspiration. 

Even when he approaches me, I stay frozen. I can't force myself to move or form words. 

My mind isn't working. I am too nervous. 

Eventually, with the help of a few *shaky* deep breaths and another mental pep talk, I snap out of my trance as best that I can.

"Hey, Harry!" I exclaim, maybe a little too enthusiastically. I ask him to pass the football a little, but when he tries to kick it he falls over with a thud. I run over to him and ask him if he is okay, the idea that he is talking to me still barely registering.

He replies with, "Yeah, I'm fine. I just- I don't play football too well." which makes us both laugh. It wasn't necessarily a funny reply, but how can you not laugh at him when he is as cute as he is? 

I reach my hand out to help him up and he places his warm, soft hand in mine. It feels strong and full of life. After he lets go, I rest my other hand on the hand he had touched and soak up the tingly feeling he left. 

I can't stop looking at him and his gorgeous green eyes, but eventually I force myself to peel them away from his face. I could look at him all day- not in a creepy way- but he is just way too handsome not to.

He suggests we go to Dan's Diner for some chips and I agree a little too quickly and offer to drive. Part of me hopes this is a date, but I am pretty sure he doesn't think of me in that way. We head out and arrive at Dan's Diner a few moments later, though the silent car ride feels like hours.

After grabbing a table in the corner, we each order some chips. After some small talk, he gets up to use the bathroom, and while I am waiting, I take my phone out and continue writing a song I have been working on. 

I love to sing and write songs, but nobody knows that about me. I have written a few dozen songs in my life, and I stash them under my mattress and sing them, when nobody is at home. It's my own little secret. 

Since there is nobody else seated in the diner, I begin to softly sing the chorus to see how it sounds aloud,"Waking up, Beside you i'm a loaded gun, I can't contain this anymore, I'm all yours, I got no control, No control..."

Harry startles me, "What's that?" He asks sweetly. I whip my head around to look at him. His eyebrows are curled up curiously, and the corners of his mouth are slightly curled up, forcing the same effect on mine.

"Oh, it's- it's nothing." I quickly reply. Crap. He heard me singing.

"Come on, tell me what it is. I won't tell anyone if you don't want me to." He pressures me to tell him.

Fearful thoughts whip through my brain. He could spill my secret. He could tell everyone that I like to sing. I could lose all of my friends- oh. Wait. I have no friends. I mean, it couldn't get any worse than it already has, so... what the heck. "Promise?"

"Of course." When he says this, he sounds so... safe, and so kind. How could I say no to him?

"It's- It's a song i'm writing. I like to sing, but nobody knows that, so you can't tell anyone, okay?" The blood rushes to my cheeks and I look up at him. He's smiling warmly.

"Don't worry. I'm good at keeping secrets. I've got plenty of my own. You know, you're an amazing singer. " I blush even harder as he compliments me.

"Thanks." I reply.

"No, like, you're really good, Louis." He says, which makes me grin foolishly and look down. I don't like it when other people give me too much attention. Harry makes me feel special, though. There's something about him...

I reply with an, "Oh." I am surprised; I never thought I was that good at singing, I have just always enjoyed doing it. Apparently Harry thinks so, though.

"Sing some more of the song!" He requests. I refuse, but he keeps pressuring me until I give in. I take a shaky breath, close my eyes, and continue, a little louder this time.

"Powerless, and I don't care it's obvious, I just can't get enough of you, The pedal's down my eyes are closed, No control."  I open my eyes nervously. He smiles at me, flashing his dimples, which makes me unintentionally grin back. Our chips arrive, and we munch on them and fill the rest of the evening with small talk before we trade phone numbers and head our separate ways. 

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