Chapter 23- POV Niall: Niall the Bad Boy?

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{Notice how this chapter is Niall's POV- Surprise!}

{TW: Self-Harm}

It didn't mean anything. I swear, it didn't.

I have been openly bi since I was in the eighth grade, and, though it was the talk of the school at the time, everyone has kind of just forgotten about it, except maybe Zayn. He bullied me about it for a while, he eventually moved on to bullying other vulnerable youngsters. This year, he is in my Biology class and we ended up as lab partners. 

He looks really tough and intimidating, but he is actually a pretty nice guy once you knock down his walls. We have hung out quite a few times previously, and he looked sad in school today, so I invited him over to my house for a sleepover. My parents are out of town and I thought we would have a chance to chat.

Little did I know, he would end up confessing his confusion about his sexuality to me, hence his tendency to bully those who have come out. I pieced together that he is jealous of those who have the confidence to come out, and long story short we ended up snogging on the couch. Certainly not my proudest moment, but I'll have to deal with confronting him and Reagan later.

Right now, I have to check on Louis. He didn't seem too pleased about my little snogging session with Zayn, and I don't blame him- I mean, Zayn beat up his boyfriend. Also, there's the fact that I am in a healthy, stable relationship and I may have just ruined it.

"Shit, shit, shit." I mumble, tugging my shirt over my head.

"Is it really that bad?" Zayn whined, pulling me towards him.

"Zayn, stop. That didn't mean anything. Don't tell anyone, please. I have to go check on Louis. He doesn't deal with conflict well." I pull away and step towards the door.

"Well, how are you gonna get there?" He challenges, eyebrows raised playfully. I let out a loud groan. I can drive, though I don't have a car. I look pleadingly to Zayn. He shakes his head. "Don't look at me, my sister dropped me off." I drop my head to my chest in defeat.

"Well how am I supposed to get there then?" I mutter to the ground. Sighing, I declare, "I'm gonna walk. You coming?"

"Ni, he'll be fine. It's past midnight, you can't walk to his house right now! You could get kidnapped or something." He protests.

"You don't know him like I do. I have to go." I shrug on a jacket and slide on some sneakers before heading out into the night, street lights lighting the road.

"Wait, Niall." Zayn calls after me. "If you really insist on going, I guess I can get my sister to drive you. She's probably awake." I nod thankfully and he leads me back inside, calling his sister.


"Thanks, Doniya." I call behind over my shoulder to Zayn's sister as she waves back, hurrying up Louis's driveway and banging on the door.

"Louis?" I yell. "You in there?" I hear a cackling that sounds like Louis and push the door open, poking my head in. I let out a loud, breathless gasp as I survey Louis's current condition.

He is curled up innocently against the counter amongst hundreds of shards of glass and a clear puddle, his head buried in his knees. His body trembles lightly, and I can't tell if he is laughing or crying. Maybe both. His hair is damp with sweat and when he uncurls his arms from his stomach my insides flop as I notice the fresh deep cuts on his hands and wrists.

"Crap, Louis." I rush over to him and he lifts his head up. His mouth is curled into an ingenuine smile and I conclude that he is both laughing and crying at the same time. "What have you done?"

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