Chapter 19- POV Harry: Time Waits For No Man

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Someone once said, "It's like we're going on a train that's going 200 miles an hour... It'd be so nice to get off... to stand on the platform for just a minute." It means that no matter how crappy your life is at the moment, or what you're going through, time keeps going. Someone across the world could be having the worst day of their life and you are completely oblivious because time waits for no man.

And that's how I feel with Louis. While my world is falling apart, other people's lives are progressing just fine. While I spend each evening sneaking out to see him, then sneaking back in and drowning in self pity, my family goes about their business as usual. I have expected them to be curious about why I take such long naps in the middle of the day to make up for my missed sleep, but they don't seem to notice. Either that or they don't care.

Today is Christmas Eve: Louis's birthday. I have been furiously working on a present for him over the last few days, and I know he will love it. It may not be a physical gift, but he won't mind. Before I leave tonight, I take my guitar from where I was practicing on my bed, and put it in the case I have dug from deep inside my closet. It's been a while since I have brought it anywhere. 

After I got sent away, White Eskimo recruited a new lead singer and my abrupt coming out was quickly forgotten when a group of boys supposedly painted graffiti on a teacher's car. I haven't talked to anyone other than Louis, and for a bit, Niall, since I have been at boarding school.

After I have gotten to Louis's house, I knock on the window like always and he lets me in.

"Hi, Cherry. Happy Birthday." I greet him as he pulls me into a tight embrace, ruffling my hair. "I missed you."

"It's only been a day." He counters, and then adds, "But I missed you too." We giggle and I hoist Louis's bum up as he wraps his legs around my hips. I spin him around and peck his lips. He presses his lips against mine and I inhale sharply out of surprise, but don't pull away. Every breath I take pulls me in more and more, captivating me with his beauty.

"I love you." Louis mutters into my mouth. Those three words never fail to take my breath away every time I hear them.

"I love you, too." I respond, out of breath, and he pulls my face in again. His scruff rubs against my chin and I remember why I came. "Wait, I-" Louis silences me by pressing his lips against mine. I pull away again. "I have something for you." I put him down and use my thumb to wipe the wetness off his lips.

He tilts his head out of curiosity and then comments, "Hazza, you didn't have to do anything for me."

I squint my eyes happily and answer, "Course I did. You mean the world to me." I press his shoulders down to sit him on the bed. His legs bounce with excitement.

Though he is two years older, Louis constantly reminds me of a young child- full of energy. The childish jokes he often makes further prove my point, though I can't say mine are any better. I'm not complaining, though, because I laugh at all of them- I never said they weren't funny.

I pull out the guitar I brought and Louis raises his eyebrows.

"Where did that come from?" He asks.

"I brought it with me, did you not see it?" I reply with a grin.

"No." He smirks. "I guess I was too distracted by your beautiful face." I giggle and sit on the bed, tuning the guitar quietly beside him. After it's tuned, I strum a chord. My hands tremble with worry and I take a few shaky breaths. After strumming the introduction to the song, I begin to sing quietly, becoming more and more confident with each line.

"People say we shouldn't be together

We're too young to know about forever

But I say they don't know what they talk talk talkin' about

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