Chapter 2- POV Harry: Meeting Again

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I never thought my band practice would end by saving an upperclassmen from a pigeon attack, especially because I am usually quite shy and don't often like to go out of my way to talk to other people, which is probably the reason I have no friends.

However, when I saw Louis getting attacked, I couldn't not do anything. He looked so helpless, laying there, covered in pigeons. It was quite a humorous sight, actually,- when I first saw him I couldn't stop laughing- though he seemed to be in pain so I went to go see if he was okay.

I am in a band called the White Eskimo, and I like to think we are pretty talented. I mostly sing, which is what I want to pursue when I am older, but I play a few instruments as well. If singing doesn't work out, maybe I will become a lawyer. Who knows. My parents don't support my music, and would much rather see me pursue the lawyer career path, which somehow makes me want to be a musician even more.

I have seen Louis around school once before, when I was eating lunch outside with my girlfriend, Sophia. We have been dating for about a year, and she's awesome.

 I met her when I was at the fair with my family last fall and she was with a group of friends. She slipped me her phone number right before I went on the Scrambler, and I lost the note on the ride and spent an hour searching for it. I called her the same night and we instantly hit it off. I would even go as far as to say I love her. I don't really know what love feels like, though, seeing as how I have never been in love before. 

Louis seems like a cool guy, too. Maybe we'll be friends in the future. 

I'm not the best at making friends. Last year, my best friend, Will, moved across the country, and I haven't heard from him since, so I have been struggling to make new friends. We used to be super close, and he was the only friend I had, other than Sophia, obviously. 

I spend most of my time with Sophia and practicing with White Eskimo, who I guess you could call my friends if you were reaching, but, to be honest, it's more like White Eskimo... and Harry. They hang out together a lot and never invite me to join them. It's not that I'm not talented or anything, I just don't fit in with their vibe, which is a bit emo and full of dark humor.

For the next few weeks, I see Louis around in the hallway a dozen times or so. He always smiles at me and I unconsciously smile back. When he smiles at me, his eyes crinkle at the corners slightly and it almost seems like he tries to suppress his wide grin, which really contagious. It's something I look forward to each day: seeing him around the hallway. I haven't figured out why, though, because it is such a small exchange. 

Today is Monday, exactly three weeks and three days after the pigeon attack. I have just finished band practice, and we have nailed the song we will be playing for the school talent show, which takes place in another one and a half weeks. I am the lead singer, and I am really excited but also super nervous to sing in front of a crowd. 

I am strolling out of school when I see someone running on the football field. I do a double take and realize it's Louis. I start sweating immediately and my mind starts having a debate with itself. Should I go say hi? Should I just leave? Does he even like me? 

My body starts unconsciously walking towards him, but my mind doesn't object. About five yards before I reach him, we make eye contact, which makes the walk towards him from that point super awkward. 

When I reach him, neither of us speak for a few awkward seconds. "Hey, Harry!" He eventually greets me with a shy smile as he tucks the football under his armpit. "What's up?" 

"Hi. I- I just thought I would say 'hi' since I saw you playing." I awkwardly explain.

"Cool. Do you play at all?" He inquires.

"Nah. Not really."

"Want to try?" I grudgingly agree. He runs to the other side of the field as I put down my backpack and passes me the ball. I step back a bit to gain momentum and swing my right foot towards the ball as hard as I can. It misses the ball slightly to the right and the momentum from the swing causes my left foot to slip out from under me and I fall on my back... hard. I groan and wince. Louis comes running over. Looking up at him, I blush. This is embarrassing.

"Oi Oi! Are you okay, Harry?" He asks.

"Yeah, I'm okay. I just- I don't play football too well." I reply.

"I can see that." We both laugh and he helps me up.

"Hey, do you want to pop over to Dan's Diner real quick for some chips?" I inquire cautiously as I brush the dirt off my jeans.

He happily agrees. "I can drive if you want. I drove my car to school- it's in the parking lot."

"Yeah, sure." I wait as he gathers up his football gear and we head to the parking lot. His car is an old red truck- not necessarily shabby, just not new-looking either. I open the passenger door. It squeaks loudly. In response, Louis sheepishly chuckles. I chuckle back and we take off.

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Silenced- A Larry Stylinson StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora