Chapter 28: POV Harry- Turn the Pain Into Power

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His eyes. I missed gazing into them. Soulfully shimmering, with a soft deep hue of blue amongst the overwhelming exotic green. So, so pretty. 

I jolt up and adjust my eyes to the floor after realizing how long I have been staring into his eyes.

"Um, so-"

"I guess-" We both start talking at the same time, and I notice Louis's face shift into a beet red hue at the awkward encounter. I clasp my hands and wait for him to start talking so as to attempt to avoid another embarrassing overlap of words.

"So... Mum told me we should talk. Maybe we should do that." He says quietly, staring at his hands, which are anxiously fidgeting in his lap. This is a whole new side of him I'm not used to- usually he is loud, spontaneous and rambunctious, and I forgot how shy he really is when you first meet him.

"Yeah, I guess so. Um- since you don't remember anything, well you do, just not, you know, about me, or about culinary terms for that matter, which, you know, that sucks. I'm really sorry about that, by the way, I... I'm sorry, I caused all this, it's just stupid, a really annoying situation, isn't it, and- and I hope it gets better, and I hope you remember, so-" I stumble over my words for a while until Louis interrupts me.

"I know. You saying all this, it's nice, but it really doesn't mean anything to me. I want it to, but it doesn't." My face drops. But then I remember how much I love him, how hard I vowed to fight for him.

"September fifteenth."


"September fifteenth. Our first date. Now, at the time, we didn't know it was a date, but it was close enough. It was fun."

"Tell me about it." He replies, making me blush and my stomach to do backflips.

"Yeah, okay. So... I was crushing on you a lot for a few weeks after I saved you from a pigeon attack," He giggles, and I do too. He has a cute giggle. I shuffle forward. "And then you walked up to me on the football field when I was practicing after school, like I often did. I could tell you were nervous. I was too, though. You tried to kick the football, and-" I pause for a second and laugh at the sweet memory. "And you fell on your back. It was so freaking cute, you got so embarrassed. And then we went to a diner-"

"Dan's diner." Louis interrupts. He remembers. His eyes are shiny and his face is glowing with joy.

"Yeah. Dan's diner. Yeah." My smile spans across my face while he stares into space as more memories come back to him.

"And we got chips, and then you noticed me singing and- oh yeah, now I remember- and then I drove home, and..." He trails off, a dark shadow casting across his face. "And that's the night you called me. That's the night everything started going wrong." Neither of us say anything. I shuffle forward a little more.

"Yeah. Um... how much do you remember, Lou?"

"Just that day." He sighs deeply and wholeheartedly. "I want to remember more."

"Yeah. I want you to too." I shuffle forwards more. Louis notices and pats the bed, keeping eyes down, almost in shame. Slowly, I sit on the bed in front of him. His eyes are still locked on the floor, and I long to see them again, so I reach a hand out, gently using a finger to lift up his chin and lock eyes with him.

Beautiful, even more beautiful than I remembered. A chiseled chin, smooth tan skin, caramel hair that needs a haircut, bandage wrapped around his head but nonetheless he is absolutely gorgeous.

My trance is broken when a loud crash comes from the hallway, and I attempt to jolt upright, but end up sliding off the bed and taking all of Lou's blankets with me. I let out a loud shrill as I fall to the hard ground. Once on the floor, I use a hand to lift the blankets off my eyes, and notice Louis sheepishly giggling, a hand resting on his stomach and another covering his mouth, trying to shield me from the fact that he can't stop laughing at me.

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