Chapter 30- POV Harry: Fight

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 Running out of the front entrance of the hospital, the bitter wind pushed against me and left a nippy sensation on my nose. 

I scrunched my nose slightly in an attempt to gain the feeling back into it that the raw air stole without remorse. The light sweatshirt I was wearing did nothing to combat the frigid wind and I wrapped my arms around my waist, heart weighed down by the pain of what I just did, vision blurred from the tears in my eyes that threatened to fall.

My chelsea boots, unfit for walking, rubbed against my heel and left a tender abrasion that I was sure would bother me for days to come. Street lights poured down, casting a serene glow on the dark sidewalks as I strolled down them.

Not sure where I was going, and having no sense of direction, I stumbled across a black metal bench nestled in between two sturdy trees, worn down from being used so much. As I sat down, I rubbed my thumb over the careless scrawls of initials, some sole, some grouped together and encompassed cheesily by a heart.

A pigeon hopped into view, paused, turned it's head to look menacingly at me, then hopped away. 

I chuckled heedlessly before pausing, mind overcome by bittersweet memories from the first day I met Louis. From... the pigeon attack. When we were both innocent and blameless. No idea of the tornado we were walking into when he agreed to get chips at Dan's Diner. No idea of the mess that was about to destroy us and heal us all at the same time. No idea of the utter heartbreak, and along with that, the helplessness, that was coming our way. And oh, what I would give for it to be like that again.

Innocent, sweet, incorrupt, giggling over the way I tripped over the soccer ball because I can't play football to save my life. So... perfect.

Another gust of wind rustled the branches of the tree above me, and I was brought back to reality. 

Looking around, there was a park of some sort that stretched out in front of the hospital, the occasional tree or bush littered deliberately around the grassy expanse to form a large circle, park benches strewn around in random spots and a stone walking trail in the shape of a circle that outlined the ring of trees. It really was a beautiful park, so I trudged over to it and found a nice looking park bench on the side of the trail to sit on.

Countless couples were strolling down the path, arms thrown carelessly around each others' waists and shoulders, and a few had paused their walk and were making out on various benches throughout the path.

My heart sunk, and a salty path was left on my cheek by a tear I didn't know I had produced.

My phone vibrated in my pocket, startling me immensely, and I pulled it out of my pocket to see it was Niall calling. I picked up and placed the phone to my ear.

"Harry?!" Niall screeched, a panicked tone coating his words. He paused, waiting for me to answer, before yelling, "Harry?!" again. When I didn't answer, his voice softened. "Harry? Are you there, lad?"

"Yeah." I whispered, barely moving my lips.

"Are you okay?"


"Where are you?" He questioned worriedly.

"A park outside of the hospital." A couple strolled past me- two guys- and both of them smiled warmly at me. I turned away from them as another tear trailed down my cheek and nestled itself on the corner of my lip, sliding into my mouth and causing me to cringe at the salty sensation.

"Okay. I'm coming to get you. You can stay with us tonight, you know, if you want to. I just thought, you might not want to go home, you know, with your parents and everything."

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