Chapter 10- POV Harry: Full of Fear

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My eyes flutter open, and I look around, without moving, so as not to wake up Louis. It's dark and silent, and so peaceful. Suddenly, all of the memories from earlier events flood into my brain. Wow. I kissed Louis, and it was remarkable. 

I look down at my chest and see Louis's head resting on it. His head moves up and down with my breaths.

He is so cute and so beautiful when he's asleep. He looks like a little baby, even though he's quite a bit older than me. I want to protect him from anything that might come our way, which, thinking back to Sophia's threat and the fact that... well... we're in a gay relationship, which is not necessarily approved of in society's standards, will be a lot. The butterflies in my stomach return, and I smile. 

I love him with all of my heart.

My phone buzzes from Louis's nightstand and I look over at it. It's a text from my mom. It reads, Where are you, Harry? It's past your curfew! I notice two missed calls from her as well before glancing at the time. 9:30pm? We slept that long? I nudge Louis awake.

"Lou? Louis? Wake up, love!" He gently stirs and rubs his eyes. I give him a gentle kiss on the top of his head and sweetly rub his back. "It's late! I need to get home!"

"What time is it?" He groans, half asleep. Boy, he sounds sexy when he's tired.

"It's 9:30." I reply. "I have to get home; It's past my curfew."

"Can't you sleep over?" He looks up at me and pleads with puppy dog eyes. I can't say no to that face.

Grabbing my phone, I text my mom, Can I sleep over at a friend's house? She hasn't been that strict these last few weeks, because of what happened to Dad, who is supposed to be released from the hospital in two days. She has much more to worry about than my curfew. She answers with a simple, Yes.

"Okay," I reply. "I can sleep over." I grab my phone and open instagram, where I start scrolling through selfies and birthday posts my classmates have made. One post by Sophia catches my eye. It's a video. I click play. It looks like a video of someone's pocket. Is this a mistake? I turn the volume up and immediately recognize the voice talking in the video. It's mine. It's... It's from earlier today. 

She recorded our argument. 

I can hear myself saying, "Yes, Sophia, for god's sake, it's not a swear word. I'm gay." The realization of what she has done slowly hits me. 

Crap. She outed me. I sit up quickly and Louis drapes his arm over my shoulder. He pulls my shoulders back to try and correct my horrible posture.

"No, no, no, no, no." I repeat, on the verge of tears.

Louis recognizes the fear in my voice and asks, "What's wrong, love?"

"Sophia, she- she outed me. This can't be happening right now. Now the whole school knows I'm gay. Louis, this is bad. Do you know what they're going to think of me? This sucks. This freaking sucks." My voice raises with each word.

"Shh, Harry. The girls are sleeping. But- wait, what?" It hits him. "She did what?" 

A single tear rolls down my cheek. Louis wipes it away with his thumb. "I'm so sorry, Harry. That's horrible." He strokes my hair as I stare at my phone, replaying the video over and over again. 

I feel numb, and stupid. So, so, immensely stupid, and full of dread. I'm not ashamed of being gay, but I was nowhere near ready to come out to my school. I had barely even accepted I was gay myself. This is a whole new journey for me, and I wanted to face it with Louis. Not with the whole world watching me. Oh, no... my mom follows Sophia on Instagram- now she probably knows too. 

Louis cradles me like a baby as I cry into his shoulder. He gently strokes my hair. We stay like that for a long time, and I am starting to fall asleep again when my phone buzzes.

My mom has texted me. We need to talk. Now. I read.

The phone buzzes again. It's from Gemma. I'm so sorry, Harry. She shouldn't have done that to you.

Another buzz. This time it's a text from Sophia. I warned you. My phone doesn't stop buzzing. It's full of nasty messages and threats from classmates, along with a few nice ones, and a couple more texts from my mom. I ignore them. Right now I just want to be with Louis. Louis makes me feel safe.

We fall asleep on Louis's bed again and wake up to his shrieking alarm. We both groan. I open my eyes. The sun is beginning to rise, casting a stunning glow on Louis's room. "You're so beautiful." I mumble, still groggy. He giggles childishly.

"Hey, Harry?" Louis asks. He's already sitting up. We are both in our clothes from the night before and don't bother to change them. I rub my eyes and sit up next to him. "You call me Lou. I need to come up with a name for you." He thinks for a second. "Can I call you Hazza?" He requests shyly. I nod. Honestly, I don't care what he calls me as long as it's coming from him. "Okay, thanks... Hazza." We both smile. 

"We have to get to school." He reminds me.

"No." I firmly deny. "I cannot face a school full of people that have just found out I'm gay from my ex-girlfriend. Not happening."

"You can't just... skip school, Harry!" Louis refutes.

"Watch me." I pout.

He pulls me in towards him. "You can get through this, Harry. I don't understand what you're going through, because I haven't come out yet, but I am here to support you. Whatever you need, I'm here. It's gonna suck, but... do it for me, Haz." He rests his forehead on my chest lovingly. He's not quite tall enough to reach my head. "Please?"

After a moment of staring lovingly into his eyes, I grudgingly agree. We sway slowly around his room- not quite hugging, but there is no gap between us- soaking up the last few moments of peace before we have to leave for school. 

I never want to let go.

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