chapter 2

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Aubery POV

Pulling my hair into a messy ponytail and slipping on my shoes, I practically sprint out of my room into the kitchen to grab breakfast. 

Today is Friday, my first shift at the book store, I am so bloody excited it scares me a little. 

Look I have never had a job before and this will give me something to do. As fun as walking is (sarcasm), I long to do something else. I one of those people that when they are not studying don't know what to do with themselves and need to 'do something' to then relax. 

This sounds crazy, but that's me. Also I am desperately trying to savour the last few episodes of Fruits Basket which has me in all my feels. 

Realising that I probably should have woken up earlier but didn't want to sacrifice my beloved sleep, I brush my teeth and then I bid farewell to my parents. 

It is about a 10minute walk so plugging in my airpods I blast my music and make my way to the store, with 2 minutes to 9am. Entering the store I am immediately calmed, it must be the smell of books or possibly just the mere presence of books that calms me. 

Ohhhhh deary me, who the hell is this woman at the store. Is there an intruder? Omg who the hell is this lady?! She looks harmless, it's always the seemingly harmless ones though, isn't it?

"Oh dear you must be Aubery! I am Susan and I own this store, Jane was telling me what a lovely girl you are. So glad to have the extra help especially with my husband in hospital, so thank you so much dear." Susan said with a beaming smile. 

Oh so no intruder, just the owner of this store with a dying husband, oh shit how do I respond.

"Oh hi Susan nice to meet you, I hope everything is ok with your husband?" Um obviously not everything is alright with Susan's husband Aubery because he is in freaking hospital. Love my social skills. 

"Oh aren't you sweet, yes dear just what happens when we get old" she replies with saddened smile. "Ok so now here is your apron, and today you will finish at 2pm dear and I will have to leave at 12" She says handing me my apron. 

This may sound dorky but I absolutely love this apron, and hell yes she hands me a lanyard as well, I have so many cute pins I can put on this stuff! "Thank you" I say.

~3 hours later~

You would think the charms of working would be wearing off my now, maybe next week, but I find it so fulfilling working here. I have been putting up new books and had to help a few customers find books as well. 

"Aubery dear, Bob next store ordered some books and they finally came, I was wondering if you could please drop them off for me, I would but I'm already running late and boy does that man love a chat!" She said handing me the books with a smile. "Oh yes and don't worry it is all paid for." Oh great a 'chatter', yay, I'm so good at that (sarcasm).

"Of course! See you tomorrow Susan" I say waving as she exits the store. 

Putting the 'be back in 5 minutes' sign up and locking the door to the store I walk into 'Bob's Hardware'. I guess 'Bob' works here then, never would have guessed. 

Andddd dayyyuuummmm never thought 'Bob' would be so damn fine. And young. Bob doesn't notice me even though the door made an obnoxious DING when I entered. Bob looks engrossed in a book I can't quite make out with his soft curls falling over his eyes and his jaw clenching ever so slightly. 

Walking up to the counter he still doesn't notice me, so I plop down the books on the counter, take a deep breath and say "Hi are you Bob?".

Bob looks up from his book his brown curls parting so I can now see his piercing grey eyes staring straight back into mine, I swear I see a brief wave of shock cross his eyes before he regains composure and looks somewhat amused?

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