chapter 3

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When I woke up I didn't saw todoroki by my side... I got kinda worried because of... Overthinking, I guess...

I instantly got up to look for him but then a pair of strong arms wrapped around my waist and a head rested on my shoulder...

"You woke up..."
I turned my head to the side to see who was hugging me from behind... It was todoroki... Again, I blushed like a tomato...

"Y-Yes... I ju-just woke up.." I said looking down.. a bit embarrassed because of my crush hugging me...

Todoroki nod and sigh in my shoulder... He  then raised his head from my shoulder and kissed me on the cheek...

My face burned so much I thought I was gonna pass out... 

"Why-why are you doing this t-todoroki...?" I stuttered out quietly..

"Because you are cute and I can't help it" he says peking me on the cheek again
Yeah I'm going to pass out.

I bite my lip a little anxious and just whisper an little 'ok'...

"Now... Can you please come to bed again? I still need to talk to you..." todoroki asked...

That just made me more anxious.. I, honestly... Was so fucking scared...

I slowly nod, still scared of the questions..

He took my hand and he sit on the bed pulling me in his lap... My head rested on the groove of his neck... He was so warm... I couldn't help to snuggle more to him.. he grapped his arms around my waist once more and held my close..

"ok.." he started to rub my back. "I need you to tell me what are your thoughts... What do you feel...? What made you do that? I know it's hard for you but I need you to trust me." He tells me

God todoroki.. I do trust you is just so hard for me to tell you...

"I... I don't want to bother anyone with my problems..." I say on the verge of tears..

"Midoriya you are not a bother to anyone... You always help us with everything but you don't help yourself... And that's why I'm here.. I'm going to help you through this and you will be happy again... You are going to be ok.." that just made my cry.
I started to cry hard in his chest and he just rub my head and back, holding me close..

I'm such a crybaby... Why did todoroki save me? He should be happy I was going to die... I'm just a bother to everyone, he's just saying that to make me feel better. I don't deserve to be happy...

After a while I calmed down and he looked at me
"Please Mydoriya..."
I slowly nod... What other choice do I have? I need to tell him, I know he's not going to give up...

"A-All my life I was bullied because of my weakness,,, I can't do anything right, I'm always crying and muttering things... I'm not smart or attractive. I'm really just a nobody... I really think I don't deserve to be alive.. It's a bit hard to keep a smile when all you do is think about how you're gonna die... So I decided to stop smiling and end with my life so I con be free from the pain..." I tell him..

"What...? Why do you think that? Who the hell bully you? You are not weak at all, what do you mean?" Todoroki seem to be shocked... He has so many questions.

"Why do you care so much..?" I say looking into his eyes...
Wow... I didn't know that his eyes were that pretty...

I catch his eyes looking at my lips.. would he... No. He-he can't do that... He obviously doesn't want to, no,no,no,no,no, no! He doesn't like me like that...!

I didn't realize we were both leaning in... Getting closer and closer...

He puts his hand on my cheek pulling me closer to him... This is really going to happen

I closed my eyes and then I felt his soft lips in mine... Omg

He started to kiss me, so I kiss back...

I pull my arms around his neck leaning in the kiss

I sigh of relief because I'm finally kissing the boy I'm in love with...

We separated from the kiss and I opened my eyes and oh my fucking god

I instantly turned to the opposite side and he did the same...



I'm blushing so much omg- am I gonna die?!

Well that's a good thing, but that's not the point!

He looked down and I did the same...

"S-so..." I whisper.. "You... L-like me...?" I whisper even more lower...

He nods his head biting his lip..

"And... You.. umm.." he asks looking at me but with his head still looking down

I nod knowing exactly what he was asking

'You like me back?'

He nods and I just look at him and just hug him. He puts his head in my shoulder and put his arms around my waist. silent tears roll over my cheeks... I can't believe this... This can't be happening, it's just like a dream...

"This can't be happening... I can't believe it" I spoke my mind a bit

He squeeze me tighter and kiss my cheek..

"It's happening midoriya, it is happening.."
Sooo~ I decided that I would end this chapter here, because I didn't know what else to put

Ik, ik, it's soo cheesey (or cursy, whatever you call it) but I don't care. This is such a bad chapter omg-
I did this while I was on my online clases and yeah... 

Oh! I forgot to say! In this au they don't have quirks, they are normal people! Yeah... Sorry 😅

But anyways so-! Hope you like this horrible chapter if you liked it please leave a vote, and... Yeah! That's it!
Thank you for reading!


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