chapter 34

300 11 7

POV Izuku
Is today... I can't believe this day actually came... I don't know what to think, I'm so scared, i want to cry, i want to scream, i won't be able to pass a day in there. He's gonna beat me up, I won't be able to defend myself... My mother has more possibilities to win, she has to win, and my opinion matters, they need to hear me.. if i don't want to be with him then my mother has even more possibilities to win. There's no way my father could win.

I'm still so scared, I'm literally shacking in Sho's arms... I don't know anything

I felt how Shoto squeezed me in his arms...

"Baby, stop worrying, you're gonna be fine, everything is gonna be fine" he said with a little and cute smile

I nodded slowly, nuzzling more into Sho's warmth.

"At what time is it?" He asks
"A few hours after school, why?" I said looking up at him

What are you gonna do sho...?

"I'm going with you." He said firmly

"What?! No Shoto. He's gonna hurt you if he sees you there. I would never forgive myself if I let you go with me and you get hurt. I-I'm sorry but no, I just can't. You don't even have to, I'm gonna be fine. Don't worry. I-"

"You're not going anywhere by yourself. Plus, I don't want You to get hurt or yelled at. I will be go with you, it's not a question izuku." He interrupted me and cupped my face with his hands

"No izuku. No buts. I'm going with you"

"Shoto... Please no.. I wouldn't be strong enough to protect you, I'm not even strong enough to protect myself, I need you with me Shoto..." I started to tear up "I won't be able to live without you Shoto.." i held firmly in his arms and looked down

"Don't say that. Ever.
Izuku Midoriya you're te strongest person i know. I will always be with you, i don't care about your father at all. He can hurt me all he wants and I will still be with you.

I won't let you down."
Hi luvs

It's been a while doesn't it?

(EDIT: NO Al, it was just 4 days but you're a drama queen and felt like it was a eternity since you wrote something)

I know this is short but I really wanted to update something, so here we are

Thank you for reading!
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I love you all luvs! Thank you so much for everything!


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