chapter 22

419 14 10

POV Izuku

Today at school we were announced that we're gonna get dorms o that's... Really good..!
(Edit: They were already in dorms, I don't know why I wrote that hahahahah)

I was just reading a book uraraka gave me, on my dorm until my mother texted me

I checked the texts and she was explaining everything about my dad

Apparently someone texted my Mom, she asked who was it and they explained that he was my dad and proved sending some photos of my mother and him.
He cheated on my mom for 2 years and then he disappeared to go with his now wife. Now he has a whole family. Two daughters and his wife.
He wants to see me, and wants me to meet his family.
He wants my custody..

When she finished her explaining I thanked her but instantly texted shoto asking if he could come to my dorm.
He said yes and I just waited on my dorm.

After 10 or 15 minutes he was here. He immediately came to hug me as I cried on his shoulder..

He just kept whispering things to calm me down and hugging me tighter...

He always helps me through all my problems, he's probably so exhausted of dealing with this

"What happened..? Everything is ok..  everything will be ok.." he said playing with my hair "Please tell me what happened... Take all the time you need, but I need you to tell me.." he finished

I slowly nodded and we settle side to side, staying close to each other
"My mother texted me, saying all that happened. How my father contacted my mother and all. When she finished her explaining I called you cause I was at the verge of a panic attack, I'm so sorry you have to deal with this shit. I'm so sorry shoto..." I say looking down bitting my lip. I know that if I say one more thing, I'm gonna cry so hard and I don't wanna bother shoto anymore...

"Hey.. no your not a bother, you're not annoying,you would never annoy me. Never." He said firmly.

He turns to me and put me into his lap. He puts his arms around my waist and I put mines around his neck, hugging him tightly

And those thoughts came back.

Am I annoying you?

Are you with me out of pity?

Why do you love me?

Are you gonna leave me?

Are you tired of me?

Why would you like me?

Do you really care about me?

Would I ever get better?

Why are you still with me?

"Do you really love me?" I quickly cover my mouth with my hands. "I-I d-didn't mea-" he cut me off with a kiss

He breaks the kiss and hugged me thight

"If you ever feel like this, tell me alright? I love you. With all my heart. Nothing can change that, I want to be with you all my life, and I would never let you go. You're not a bother and you will never be. You're not annoying and you would never be. I love all of you. I just can't describe it. Everything about you is perfect, fisically and mentally. Your ideas, your little freckles, your muttering and that soft lips of yours" he touches my lower lip with his thumb "God I love to kiss you... You're beautiful Izuku Midoriya and I would give you the world just to see you smile"

With that I broke into tears.
Hiii luvs

I'm sorry this took so long, but I had school and I didn't have inspiration to write, so I'm so sorry!

I'm also not in my best right now, so that doesn't helps at all nethier

But Im gonna try to post more, I promise!

Hope you like this chapter! If you liked it please leave a vote! Thank you for reading! Love you luvs!


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