Making Progress

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All Rights Reserved. © Shanice Kelly

I sighed as I pushed the documents I was reviewing to the side. My head was pounding and I was exhausted.

It had been a week since the incident in my office. It had also been a week since I talked to Derrick. When he left, he had asked for some space to think. I understood and respected his decision but I missed him a lot. Our friendships was strained and for the first time in my life I had no clue how to fix it.

Work wasn't much of a distraction since Chase was avoiding me.

He only said a few words to me at a time and it was always to add more work to the already massive pile. I had a total of two to three hours for myself a day and they were usually reserved for sleeping.

And to top it off I was getting sick.

I groan and rested my head on my desk, allowing the coolness of the wood to lessen the ache in my head.

I had a plan when I walked into that interview with Charles Valois Sr. I would work at Valois for a few years to gain experience, save most of my pay, take over my family's restaurant and make it into something big. Just like my grandfather had dreamt but never live to see happen.

I revolve my entire life around making his dream happen but it all felt like it was falling apart because I never thought to factor one variable into the equation: Chase Valois.

It wasn't just work that kept me up at night. The memory of Chase's lips on my skin was etched in my mind. They had done something to me that day; they bewitched me, I was sure of it.

Frequently my mind would reveled in the memory of the softness of his lips, his feather light kisses and his intoxicating masculine scent.

It didn't help that those same lips and what they could do where only a few feet away from me.

I was becoming frustrated with myself. Never in my life did a man have such an impact on me and I wasn't going to condone this nonsense.

I groaned again as shrilling sound echoed throughout the room as the office phone went off.

"Hello, Mr. Valois's office" I said, forcing as much politeness as I could muster into my voice.

I heard the familiar worry in my mother's voice as she said, "Oh honey you sound so tired"

My mother voice made me feel lighter and serene. I had been an entire year since I last saw my parents and I miss them terribly.

"Mom, everything is fine. I'm just a feeling a bit under the weather that's all. Nothing a cup of tea and a good night sleep can't fix."

"You should stay at home in bed if you're not feeling well. You need to take care of yourself."

I rolled my eyes, I could picture the furrow of her brows and the frown on her lips. "Stop worrying, I can take care of myself"

"Alicia..." she began but I chose then to change the subject.

"I'm sure this unexpected call had nothing to do with my current ailment, so..." I kept my tone light. I didn't want her to think I was being disrespectful. If it was one thing I learned from father, it was never upset mother.

"Ah yes, Alicia, you wouldn't believe the blessing that came upon us. Your father and I went to the insurance company today, in hopes of getting some help with your father's medical bills, only to find out everything was paid. At first we thought there was some kind of mistake, so we called the hospital but they confirmed it. It's a miracle honey. We have a guardian angel looking down on us, a Good Samaritan. Someone gave us a fresh start."

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