Chapter 11

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"Ugh! What the heck!"

he remarked as he took a few steps back while clearing his vision that was covered with sand, it was because Victoria unexpectedly threw a handful of sand in his eyes.

At that, Victoria quickly ran and took hold of her dagger and immediately sprang back to stabbed her opponent's side, Thwak!, without delay, she moved like lightning and hit the back of his neck with the dagger's pommel, Bam!, after the finishing blow, he fell unconscious on the ground.

Finally, the battle ended and Victoria who was exhausted, staggered while holding unto her wounded arm.

At the sight of her staggering, the girl who was hiding behind the stalls hurriedly ran to her,

"Are you okay?"

she said as she caught Victoria who was about to fall.

"I'm fine."

Victoria said in a cold tone while taking off the girl's hand off of her.

"Ah alright then, anyway, how did you do that!? you were soo amazing back there, I can't believe it, you were like the heroine in a novel. I'm truly grateful!"

the girl added with glistening eyes as she held Victoria's hand, but, Victoria who was surprised, didn't like the sudden gesture from the stranger. She creased her brows and immediately took back her hand.

"Yeah sure, but, I don't think that we are that acquainted to touch each other physically."

with her words that were cold as ice and eyes that were sharp as a dagger, the girl who was smiling from ear to ear suddenly flinched her shoulders in fear.

"Ekk! Uhm..I'm- I'm sorry..I ahh."

the girl stuttered nervously, but before she could say more,

"My lady!"

shouted Anya, who wore a worried expression.

She was running towards the scene with two escort knights, but, instead of a relieved face, Victoria clicked her tounge in frustration.

Seeing as they arrived late and the battle was already over.

Upon their arrival,

"Oh my goodness, my lady, are you alright!? I'm really sorry, I didn't know, I should have fetched you earlier."

Anya anxiously said after realizing her master's appearance, Victoria's hair was really messy, her dress was ripped in half with dirt and blood stains because of the wound on her left arm, and on top of that, she was holding a dagger with blood stain while a wounded unidentified man was laying on the ground near her. She felt terrified just by thinking about it, but, Victoria was surprisingly calm and gazed at her coldly with a reply,

"I'm fine, anyway, why arrive now? Didn't you see people running away from here earlier?"

As if confused, Anya couldn't grasp Victoria's words and immediately answered in remorse as she made a deep bow,

"Forgive me my lady, but after you left earlier, the main street was closed for a parade and they led us far away to park the carriage. So, we didn't know of the situation here, if I hadn't heard it from one of the passerby, I'm truly sorry."

Victoria was dumbfounded by what she had found out, she couldn't believe such coincidence would actually occur, especially, during such a dangerous situation, 'Really now? such good timing, too good to be just mere coincidence or is it not?', she thought with creased brows.

While she was deep in thoughts, Anya, who couldn't accept the fact that her master almost died because of her neglectfulness blamed herself and guilt suddenly rose from her, so, without hesitation she knelt down and bowed her head with her forehead touching the ground.

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