Chapter 12

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The palace was filled with a lot of people for the extravagant ball, nobles and commoners were all welcomed to attend, security was tighter than usual and more knights were seen inside the palace grounds.

Despite the poor and the rich gathering in one place, this event was considered to be safe throughout the decades, it was because no one could actually identify who is who, since each attendee was required to wear a mask to hide their faces.

Added to that, rumors have it, that during the night of the blue roses' blossoming, unexpected miracles usually happen, but, many also forgets that when miracles exist, unforeseen tradegy also occurs when no one expects it.


While the elegant music played in the background inside the main palace's banquet hall, some were dancing and others were filling their bellies to their hearts content.

Everyone was having fun and socializing with strangers without regarding each others status. Some say that, this event was actually one of those special nights where a commoner could actually become cinderella or two strangers can unexpectedly fall inlove like romeo and juliet.

Majority of the people who attended the ball believed this story hoping to have their own happy ending, but there were also some who had no clue and was only there because of duty and responsibility.

"Sigh! It's too crowded. I shouldn't have went here even if it was an order from the marquess."

(***Note: She was actually ordered by the marquess to attend instead of him since he had a lot of work to do, seeing as that the emperor had made a royal decree that atleast one member of each family must be present during the blue rose banquet.😅)

Victoria murmured as she stood beside a huge pillar at the corner of the banquet hall with her hands crossed while watching strangers dance happily in the center of the ballroom.

Despite the merry atmosphere that was sorrounding her, she felt uncomfortable by the immense presence of guests in the venue that she wanted to get out the moment she entered but it was too crowded that she can't even slip out of the place even if she wanted to. Eventhough it was a banquet everyone was free to go in and out of the ballroom whenever they want but with thorough inspection, making it more inconvenience to go through the main entrance and exit since many were still on queue.

As she stood silently near the big pillar, not too far from the wine table, unexpectedly, a man bumped into her,

"Ah sorry, little lady. I didn't see you there."

he said as he staggered away like he was drunk. Seeing this, Victoria clicked her tounge and thought of how ridiculous the man looked like. But not a moment had passed, all of a sudden another person hit her shoulder again and, another one and a few more others which made her irritated.

"Argh! I can't take this anymore. If I can't get out using the main exit then I'll just force my way out of this shitty place. Now where...Ah! there!"

Victoria scowled to herself with a frown as she looked around for a way out until she spotted the veranda, and without delay she quickly passed through the enormous crowd to reach the place without caring about who she hit shoulders with or if she stepped on someone.
She never looked back no matter what the other person was saying and continued to walk fast as if running, she was desperate to get out of that place as soon as possible and the moment she got out to the veranda, she felt like a bird who was free from the cage.


She breath out deeply in relief but then realized that the veranda was also filled with guests which made her drop her shoulders, but despite being crowded, it was more breathable there compared to that inside the banquet hall.

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