Chapter 3

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~Chapter 3~

Today was the day of our playoff game. To say I was nervous was an understatement. This game determines whether or not we move on to the championships, whether or not my dream would come truth, and whether or not I'm better than Daniel.

I couldn't sit through my classes because I had so much energy and eagerness inside of me before the game.

I needed to get my adrenaline pumping. I wanted to play the game right now and then again I didn't want to. I felt like I didn't want to because this game would determine if we get into the championships or not and that gave me a lot of pressure.

Everyone would be watching. Well, not everyone but you get my point.

We were going to play against Riverside High School. They are good but I believed our team is better.

I was nervous because the pressure might get to our heads and we'd just bomb the game. Don't get me wrong, I had faith in my teammates but I know what it's like to be pressured. Especially since I was the team captain.

"Kennedy. Please come up and draw a hotdog on the board," Mr. Baba demanded me politely.

I was confused. I wasn't really paying attention so I didn't know the reason of why I had to draw a hotdog on the board but I did it anyways.

My hotdog looked a little deformed but still, it was a hotdog.

"See? It's all on how you look at it." Mr. Baba gestured for me to sit back down on my seat. "Some people may draw an actual hotdog, like the meat. Just as Kennedy did. But others may have drawn a hot dog. A dog that's sweating or whatever."

Someone raised their hand. "Mr. Baba. Why are we learning this? Aren't we supposed to learn history?"

Mr. Baba shook his head. "Ah ah ah... I'm teaching you a valuable life lesson. It's much more beneficial than a bunch of dead guys."


It was finally lunch time and I was seated at a table with all my volleyball friends.

"Are you guys nervous for the game?" Ashley asked.

"Hell yeah," Jenny answered. "Isn't everyone? Well everyone except Kennedy."

My ears perked up at the sound of my name. "Hey hey... Don't go putting words in my mouth. I'm just as nervous as you guys."

If I haven't told you before, I'll tell you now. I had 10 players in my team. Ashley, Chrissy, Leanne, and Valentina were the middle blockers. Jenny, Katie, Josie, and Taylor were the outside hitters. I was the dominant setter and Gabrielle was the secondary setter.

"Don't worry guys," Taylor encouraged the team. "We got this."


The rest of school passed by in a blur and it was currently an hour before our game.

We were all warming up in the gym including the other team. The other team contained all tall girls who looked like very good players but I couldn't judge them quite yet.

"Thirty minutes on the dot," The referee yelled. "Start practicing now."

We practiced as the minutes decreased and finally it was time for the game to begin.

I was responsible to give our team the pep talk. Coach Melody would just stand on the side and let me pep the team because that was what captains do.

"Okay guys we can beat this team," I started with an encouragement. "Don't let the pressure get to you. The nervousness is just a feeling. It'll go away if you allow it to. Just remember that you're a great player and whatever the outcome of the game you still are a great player. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise."

The whole team nodded and a few were wiping away fake tears due to my speech. "That was just beautiful." Valentina cried.

I smiled. "Now let's win this game and start out strong."

"Yeah!" The team cheered as we got onto the court.

Coach Melody patted my back as I walked passed her. I turned around and she winked at me. I smiled. I've always liked Coach Melody. She supported us no matter what. She didn't tell at us when we lost and told us our mistakes in a polite manner and I think that's what makes us a great team; because we have a wonderful coach.

It was the second set and the score was 21-18, us in the lead, when the other team called a time out.

We had won the first set and realized that we had nothing to be nervous or worry about because this team wasn't a team to waste our time worrying about.

I mean they weren't bad, but they weren't as good.

Our team huddled up and I gave them another encouraging talk. "We got this right guys? See? There's nothing to worry about. Now the pressure is on the other team and off us. Now let's teach this team a lesson and win this game."

All the girls nodded as the referee blew his whistle, signaling the end of the time out.

I patted Jenny who was serving now. "Bring us home," I told her before getting into my position.

Some aces went by the rest of the game went by quickly because the other team lost their determination and they gave up before the game was actually over.

"This game was a good example for what not to do. No matter what the score is, you don't quit because who knows, anybody could came back from a bad start. The other team didn't know that." Coach Melody told us after the game.

I turned around to see Jenny smiling proudly. Once she saw me looking she smiled even wider. I returned it and patted her on the back as a way of congratulating her.

I told her to take us home, and take us home she did.


Now, since the playoffs have been finished, we wouldn't have to play Bridgewood until two weeks later. That gave us plenty of time to practice and get ready for the game.

It was going to be a huge game for this town. The only two highschools playing against each other. Now that would be a sight to see.

Since we've won our playoff game, now all the football team had to do was lose so we didn't have to bond, but I knew Daniel would never throw a game just because of a little team bonding.

"I heard you won your game," Daniel brought up, raising an eyebrow. "You didn't listen to me."

I snorted. "Like I'd ever listen to you."

"That's not a very attractive sound for a girl," Daniel smirked.

I glared at him. He was always trying to tease me and get me embarrassed in front of people. "You voice isn't an attractive sound for a girl." I realized my stupid comeback and mentally slapped my self in the forehead.

He shrugged. "True that."

He leaned closer to me and whispered in my ear, "Get ready to have the funnest two weeks of your life."

He smirked at my unresponsive expression and tried walking away like a boss without turning around. He probably thought I was affected by him whispering in my ear and felt accomplished with himself for making me speechless.

Well, sorry to bruise your ego bro, but you got it all wrong.

Little did he know, I was mentally laughing hysterically at his mistake. I meant no one could make a grammar mistake work. It just didn't go that way.

Everytime I thought of his mistake I began to throw a fit of uncontrollable giggles. I know, I'm weird. I finally sobered up from my laughter and shook my head.

I muttered to myself, "Funnest isn't a word."

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