Chapter 6

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~Chapter 6~

Day Two

"Give me 10 laps then you guys can do your stretches," Coach Melody ordered us as she blew her whistle.

Everyone groaned and started running around in the gym. On our ninth lap, we began to slow down.

Usually, Coach Melody would be counting our every lap and yelling at us to pick up the pace. I took a glance the bleachers. Surprisingly, Coach Melody was sitting on them while texting on her, giggling ever once in awhile.

I furrowed my eyebrows at her. Once we finished our last lap, we began starting to do stretches.

"Listen up ladies," Coach Melody called out to us. "Something just came up so I have to leave. Kennedy, you're in charge of running practice!" She commanded me before grabbing her things and exiting the gym without another word.

Okay, this was seriously getting weird. Coach Melody never once missed a practice or game. She also never left early because she was committed to her job.

After practice, I changed into my sweatpants and slipped into my slippers. I had a towel around my neck and a head band on my head to keep the loose hairs from flying into my face while I played.

"Don't you think Coach Melody is acting weird lately," Chrissy asked me as we walked to Bonnie's office.

I nodded. "Exactly what I was thinking."

Once we reached her office, we opened the door when we heard a voice telling us to come in.

"Hello girls," Bonnie smiled, clapping her hands together. "I have a dinner reservation for you guys at a famous five star buffet. Here are the things you guys will be needing," She handed us a plastic bag filled with paper and other things.

I decided to ask her a question that was on my mind. "Does Coach Melody have plans today?" I asked her.

"Oh yes with Coach Harris. They also have a dinner reservation at the steak house," She told us. "Why?"

I gave her a sweet smile. "No reason. It doesn't happen to be the one on Starrymont Boulevard does it?"

She nodded. "That's the one."

"Fantastic," I said with absolutely no emotion at all.

After we were out of earshot in the school' sparking lot, I turned to Chrissy. "We're going to that steak house to spy on coach Melody and Harris or Greg or whatever," I told her.

She nodded. "We should take Daniel along with us as well. They probably want to know."

I groaned. "As much as I hate that idea, I know you're right."

"Call him to pick us up," She told me after a moment of silence just standing there in the parking lot.

I snapped out of whatever trance I was in and quickly fetched my phone from my duffel face. "Oh, you're right!"

She rolled her eyes. "Smart," She muttered sarcastically.

"Yeah I know right," I threw her a wink before scrolling through my contacts for Daniel's name and pressing the call button.

He picked up on the second ring. "Hello?" A deep voice spoke. His voice sounded so hot on the phone but in real life, he sounded like a boy that hadn't gone through puberty. (In my opinion)

"Daniel?" I said. "Can you pick us up."

"No," He said simply.

"Please? I have the tickets for the reservation!!" I sang in a sweet voice.

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