Chapter 11

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~Chapter 11~

Day Seven

"So..." The awkward silence was lingering in the air.

Both the football team and the volleyball team were sitting in Daniel's living room. We were scattered all over the place and the place was pretty cramped.

We decided to just hang out at Daniel's house today and Bonnie surprisingly agreed to the idea.

After last night, Chrissy and Troy were acting weird. Daniel noticed as well and he even confronted me about it. Soon enough, everyone started noticing.

We all took subtle glances at Chrissy and Troy who were sitting next to each other.

There was a lot of room in between them. A sumo probably could be able to fit in between them.

They gave each other nervous glances and it made we wonder what happened last night when Troy brought Chrissy home.

"Hey Kennedy," Daniel called me. He was standing in the doorway that separated the kitchen and the living room.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. Once I reached him, I threw him an annoyed look. "What do you want?" I asked.

"I think there's something going on between Troy and Chrissy," He whispered. "But I haven't found out what yet."

I gave him a flat look. "They like each other? And they finally realized it last night? It's going to awkward for the first few days then everything will fall into place."

He shook his head and pinched the bridge of his nose. "No I mean something more."

I raised my eyebrows. "What do you mean?"

He ignored my question and continued to talk. "We just need to gather more information-."

"Woah woah woah," I interrupted. "We?"

"Yeah Chrissy is your best friend? Right?" I nodded. "And Troy is mine. We need to know if something is wrong."

I sighed in defeat. "Fine. I guess you're right."

Daniel nodded and started walking into the living room with me in tow. "Where are Troy and Chrissy?" Daniel asked, scanning the room for the pair.

"They went upstairs," Someone informed us.

We both nodded in understanding before turning to the stairs.

"Where are you guys going?" Valentina suddenly asked.

We slowly turned around and I blurted out. "Bathroom."

Valentina smirked and quirked an eyebrow. "Together?"

"Uh... Yeah... I was um going to show her uh where it is," Daniel stuttered.

Valentino shrugged and turned her attention back to her boyfriend.

Once we were on the stairs and out of earshot, we both let out a breath of relief.

"Phew that was close," I said.

"Yeah my awesome fast thinking skills got us out of that," Daniel said, smiling triumphantly.

I rolled my eyes. "Of course it was." I replied sarcastically.

"Oh I hear noise coming from the guest room," Daniel pointed out, rushing to the door.

He pressed his ear against the door and gestured for me to come listen. "I hear them talking," He whispered.

I pressed my ear against the door next to Daniel and I could hear muffled voices and some faint arguing.

"We have to talk about it sooner or later."

"Hmm... I pick later."

"C'mom Chrissy. I want to talk about what happened last night."

"What happened last night shouldn't have happened."

I turned my face to look at Daniel and he mirrored my actions. We gave each other confused looks before turning to listen some more.

"Do you hear something outside the door?" Footsteps started approaching.

Daniel and I jumped up and both our eyes were wide opened. We stood frozen in our spots, staring at each other as the footsteps came closer.

Daniel finally snapped out of his daze and pulled me by my arm into what I assumed was his room.

"Phew another close one," I said, steadying my breathing.

"And this time it was saved by my extra fast reflexes," Daniel smirked.

I wasn't going to argue with that.

"So what do you think happened?" Daniel asked.

I shrugged. "Must have been something bad if Chrissy didn't want to talk about it."

Daniel nodded. "And Troy never gets this frustrated about a situation, ever."

"Let's just agree that this is weird and we have to get our friends to speak civilly to each other or else the 'bonding' would mean nothing. It would've just made things worse," I told him. "We wouldn't want Bonnie feeling bad."

"I agree," Daniel said. "And I don't want him worrying during the championships. If he's like that then we won't be able to win."

I nodded. "Same with Chrissy."

We sat in a peaceful silence for awhile before I decided to break it. "So all we have to find out is what exactly happened last night after we left Troy to take Chrissy home."

"And why would they make such a big fuss about it?"

What exactly did happen?



Haha I updated! Yay!

Hope you enjoyed it :)

Sorry for the shortness 😅

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