Chapter 12

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~Chapter 12~

Day Eight

There was one more week left. One more week left until our championship game and one more week left of bonding.

I've always wondered. After bonding, what would happen to us? Would my teammates still hang out with the football team? Will it all go back to what it was before? And will Daniel and I still fight like that's the only thing that we know how to do or will we finally stop and treat each other like civilized people?

I sighed as I shrugged my backpack strap higher onto my shoulder and tried to find Chrissy at her locker. Her locker was near Daniel's so I might bump into him along the way. I don't know why but I secretly felt closer to him after how we helped each other yesterday in finding out what happened to Chrissy and Troy.

Yesterday after they were done talking, Chrissy told me she knew Daniel and I were spying on her and Troy so she decided to tell me everything that went on after they left the party and went to her house. They apparently made out a lot and almost went a step further. Chrissy told me she didn't feel ready so she pushed him away and didn't talk to him for awhile afterwards and he basically begged her to speak with him.

Once I arrived at Chrissy's locker, my eyes wandered to Daniel's locker. I saw him leaning against his locker with a cheerleader by his side and from where I stood, I could hear them flirting with each other.

I couldn't describe the way I felt. It was a mixture of anger and a tingly feeling inside my chest and stomache. I couldn't pinpoint the feeling I was feeling while watching the head cheerleader and Daniel flirting.

I didn't know if it was jealousy or what but I knew that I didn't like the feeling. I wanted it to go away. I've never felt this way before probably because I never once had strong feelings for a guy. I wasn't the type of girl to have crushes and if I was slightly interested in a guy, I would tell him. Then we'd have a sort-of relationship but that ended right away after the guy saw my competitive attitude but I couldn't help it.

The only person I felt like I could be competitive with without them going away and ditching me were my friends because they were competitive also and Daniel. We kinda bonded when we fought with each other I guess you can say.

I continued to stare at them. I couldn't look away. The girl next to the cheerleader who I recognized as Avery was looking at me. Avery was nice and she was my friend. I couldn't be mad at her.

She continued to stare at me for awhile before grabbing the head cheerleader, Casey, by the arm and whispering something into her ear. Casey nodded before following Avery somewhere.

I was silently thankful for what Avery did. I don't know why looking at me caused her to take away her friend but I was thankful nonetheless.

After I quickly composed myself, I walked over to where Daniel was standing and gave him a smile. "Hey."

He looked taken aback with furrowed eyebrows. "Um... Hi?"

"Is that a question or a greeting?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

He shook his head before answering, "It was a greeting. I was just surprised that you spoke to me first."

I shrugged. "Maybe I wanted to be civilized for once."

He smirked. "So... I was about to hook up with the head cheerleader but her friend suddenly needed her for something. Weird isn't it?"

I nodded. "Yeah it is. I wonder why."

"I also saw you watching me with that look on your face," He pointed out. "You were totally jealous."

I shook my head quickly. "No I wasn't. That was a look of absolute disgust."

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