Chapter 7

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~Chapter 7~

Day Three

Everyone on our team had someone they hated on the football team so that's why we were surprised when Josie and Julius starting dating.

They were supposedly supposed to hate each other but the next day at lunch, they walked into the cafeteria hand in hand. I guess something changed at the dinner last night.

"Kennedy," Taylor called me. "Bonnie wants both you and Daniel in her office."

I nodded. "Thanks Tay."

I walked to Bonnie's office and entered her office. Daniel came in after a few minutes after I did.

"Oh hello Daniel, Kennedy," Bonnie smiled. "As part of the bonding, I want both the football and volleyball team to sit together everyday during lunch."

My eyes widened and my jaw dropped. "What?! You can't do that!"

"For once I agree with the ogre here," Daniel said, jutting her thumb towards me.

"Yeah." I agreed. "I'm not going to even fight with that ogre comment."

"Yeah because you are one. You're finally admitting it!"

I turned to glare at him. "Shut up!" I grumbled. I turned back to Bonnie. "Anyways, the reason why you can't do that is because at school is the only time we're free from them," I said "them" trying to sound disgusted.

"I'm sorry but the championships are coming soon and you guys still haven't shown fast improvement in your attitude towards each other," Bonnie said firmly.

"But two of our teammates are dating!" I protested. "If that's not improvement than I don't know what is."

I turned to Daniel for backup but he just kept silent and looked away. "Daniel," I whispered-yelled at him. "Back me up here!"

"I think Bonnie is right. We have little time and we still haven't had much improvement." Daniel shrugged.

I gaped at him. "Are you kidding me?!" I exclaimed, throwing my hands up in the air.

"Then I guess it's settled." Bonnie said, looking back and forth between Daniel and me. "You'll start today."

After we got outside, I glared at Daniel as hard as I could. "Why did you do that!?" I sneered at him.

He shrugged and walked off ahead of me into the cafeteria. I gaped at his back. "Effing butthole," I grumbled.


"Okay class. I want you to pair up with a partner and work on these math problems together," Mrs. Marshall told us.

I looked at Chrissy from across the room and gave her a creepy smile. She nodded and returned with one of her own creepy smiles.

"But I've received a request to put Daniel and Kennedy together as partners and Chrissy and Troy," Mrs. Marshall finished. "Now get with your partners."

My jaw dropped as I just stared at Mrs. Marshall. Are you kidding me? First lunch and now this? The world couldn't give me a break huh?

Daniel walked over to my desk and plopped down on the seat next to me. "So do you know how to do this?" Daniel asked.

"Yeah it's easy. Do you?" I asked, taking out a piece of binder paper and a pencil and eraser.

He scratched the back of his neck nervously. "Uh yeah..."

I gave him a flat look. "You don't, do you?"

He shook his head. "Nope."

I sighed and leaned closer to him to look at his paper. "Here just do this," I instructed him, writing down the question from the board and solving the problem step by step while explaining what I was doing to him. "You get it now?"

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