Chapter 4

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~Chapter 4~

Today was the day after our playoff game and the day of the boy's football playoff game.

Everyone was pumped for it, including the teachers. See? This was why we had to prove that we were the best team. Most people were mostly interested in hearing about the football team.

They even had cheerleaders! But not us. Since this was my senior year, I made it my goal to change the way people looked at volleyball in our school.

"You coming to the football game today?" Chrissy asked me as we were walking to our next class.

"I don't want to," I answered. "And even if I did, I couldn't because I have a family dinner to attend tonight."

"Well that's a bummer," She pouted.

"No, not really. It'll give me an excuse on why I'm not going if anybody asks," I told her, switching my backpack onto my left shoulder because my right one was getting sore.

"Do you want me to tell you the results afterwards?" She asked as we reached my next class.

"Yeah sure thanks! Have fun in math!" I winked at her before entering my classroom and taking a seat somewhere in the middle.

"Class, please turn your books to page 245," The teacher instructed as he got out his teacher version of the book.

I groaned and took out my book and turned to the page he told us to.

This was going to be a long day.


"Bye guys!" I waved at my friends as I got into my mom's car.

"See you tomorrow Kennedy!"

I got into the car and buckled up my seatbelt and slammed the door shut.

"So how was school?" Mom inquired.

"Same ol' same ol'" I answered with a shrug to show my indifference. "Boring as usual." I decided to answer.

"How are your grades? Still an straight A's?" She asked.

I nodded. "Still straight A's."

"That's my girl!"

She didn't even bother asking me about volleyball because she thought it was a distraction from my studies. It was my dad who convinced her to let me join the team and supported me at every game.

When we reached our two-story creme colored house, I hopped out of the car and made my way to the front door.

"Please get ready Kennedy. We are leaving in half an hour. Remember your aunt's house is far so if we want to get back on time we have to leave soon." Mom reminded me as so grabbed her bags from the backseat and unlocked the front door.

"Got it."

Once I got to my room, I dropped my backpack by the door and immediately looked at the clock.

I still had 28 minutes left so I decided to start on my homework. We didn't have much today because it was the night of the football game but I didn't want to do it when we got back from my aunt's house.

Once I finished my homework, I changed into a pair of purple skinny jeans, a loose flowing white shirt with small flowers on it, and a jacket. I paired it with my purple converse and put my phone in my pocket.

I hurried downstairs and saw both my parents waiting for me.

"Right on time," My mom told me, looking up from her watch. "Get in the car."

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