Chapter 8

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~Chapter 8~

Day Four

"So..." Daniel drew out, leaning his back against the wall.

We were waiting in Bonnie's office waiting for her to finish up her conversation on the phone with someone. We were there to get the materials we needed for the next bonding activity.

"What?!" I snapped at him. As you can probably tell, I was pissed off. I was pissed off that more and more people in my team and Daniel's team were getting together. I just didn't get it. Is this bonding thing really working? And if so, why isn't it working with Daniel and me?

"Geez, PMS," He muttered.

I glared at him but he didn't flinch in the slightest.

"Daniel, Kennedy, sorry about that. I had to take care of something," Bonnie told us, scrambling in her desk drawer for something.

"It's fine," I assured her. "Take your time."

"Wow... bipolar much?" Daniel muttered.

"Shut up," I mumbled, hitting him in the arm when Bonnie wasn't looking. I smirked in victory when I saw him flinch.

"You hit like a man. You know, I've been wondering and you just confirmed my suspiscions." Daniel teased, smirking a little.

I glared at him but decided to ignore him. "Ah, there it is!" Bonnie exclaimed, holding out some tickets. "You guys will be watching a basketball game."

Daniel and my eyes both lit up simultaneously. "Yes!" We both exclaimed. Hmm... seems like we had at least one thing in common.

"Great, you guys can go now. Remember the lunch policy," Bonnie reminded us and took a seat at her desk again. "Have a good day."

Once we were out of ear shot, Daniel automatically turned to me and pouted, "You're nice to everyone except me," He pointed out.

"Well I guess you're getting special treatment," I threw him a wink before walking off to the cafeteria, leaving a wide eyed Daniel standing dumbfounded behind me.


I seriously didn't know what came over me to say what I said and do what I did. It was just in the heat of the moment and to get Daniel to shut up.

A few minutes since I had arrived at the cafeteria table, Daniel sauntered in. He didn't even have the ability to pretend nothing happened which made everything ten times more awkward between us.

"What's up with you and Daniel?" Chrissy asked me.

I gave a her a weird look. "Nothing. Why?"

"Well first off, you guys aren't even arguing." Damn it. I knew she would notice something like that. She was a very observant kind of person. "And second, you guys keep giving each other awkward looks."

"You're just being paranoid," I told her, chuckling nervously. "So what's up with you and Troy?" I asked, changing the subject.

She blushed, to my avail. "Nothing," She muttered. "Absolutely nothing." She said that with a sad look in her eyes but it was gone as soon as it came. One would probably tell oneself that it never happened, but it surely didn't go unnoticed by me and I was almost certain it was there.

Did Chrissy like Troy? Yeah, totally I could tell. But they couldn't get together because then me and Daniel would be the only ones left without a boyfriend or girlfriend that was on the team.

But I didn't have to worry about it. They hated each other. Right?


Once we reached the basketball court after school, we all thanked Brady for driving us and went in to find out seats. Since fate apparently hated me, I was seated with no other than Daniel. If we were to put our relationship right now on facebook, it would be "it's awkward." I don't even know if they had that kind of status but who cares.

"You want a drink?" Daniel asked me.

I narrowed my eyes at him. He was being nice and that was suspicious. "Sure..." I agreed hesitantly.

He nodded before getting up and going to the food area with Troy. When he returned, he handed me the drink and sat back down. He sipped from his water bottle and turned his attention to me.

I was studying and examining the water he handed me, trying to see if he did anything to it. He rolled his eyes. "I didn't do anything so just drink it."

I threw him one last suspicious glance before cautiously drinking the water. Nope, it didn't taste like he backwashed it so that was fine.

I looked around and found almost everyone leaning in and cuddling with each other. Cole and Jenny, Kendrick and Taylor, Jonathan and Leanne Josie and Julius, Nick and Gabrielle, Ben and Ashley, and Nick and Katie. So basically the only pair of players that weren't together were Daniel, Chrissy, Troy, and me.

"Should we be doing that?" Daniel mumbled to me, also looking at our teammates that were cuddled together.

"Nah," I responded. "But Chrissy and Troy should be."

He nodded in agreement. "Hey Chrissy, change seats?"

Once she realized that if she traded seats with Daniel she would be seated next to Troy and me, she happily complied. A few minutes later, they somehow ended up in each others arms.

Daniel and I threw each other victory smiles. "We make a good team." He said.

I smiled. "I guess."

After that small gesture of kindness from Daniel and our little moment of bonding, we returned our attention towards the game.

The team that I liked were playing, The Golden State Warriors. I didn't bother to find out who they were playing against because I didn't really care.

My favorite player was Stephen Curry. Not only was he a good player but he was also hot too.

Later I felt sometime sneak up around my shoulders. I looked to my left at Daniel to find him staring at the game while slinging his arm around me.

I stared at his face with a small smile on my own. I didn't know why but I didn't feel as disgusted as I thought I would.

I actually felt safe. I felt like we belonged like that and his arms were fit perfectly and were made to hug me.

But that obviously wasn't true.


After the game, Brady drove each of us home and Daniel and I were the last ones to be dropped off. Once we reached my house, Daniel insisted on walking me up to my front door.

I sighed and asked the question I've been meaning to ask him since the start of the basketball game. "Why are you being so nice to me?" I asked.

He shrugged. "Special treament?" He offered before smirking and walking back to Brady's car.

And this time he wasn't the one staring forward looking dumbfounded, I was.

What even.


Sorry for the super short chapter. I hope you enjoyed it anyways and have a wonderful President's Day! If you don't celebrate it then... have a wonderful day off school. I know I had one.

Well... until next time!~

BYE!~ MWAH :* A.

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