Chapter 21

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~Chapter 21~

"I am so proud of you guys," Coach Melody announced, holding her glass of apple cider up.

"And so am I," Coach Greg said, putting his arm around Coach Melody's shoulder and holding up his glass as well.

We were currently having our end of the season party together and we had even invited Bonnie to come celebrate with us.

"To team work," Coach Melody said.

"To working hard," Coach Greg said.

"And to bonding," Bonnie added with a smile.

We all cheered and put our glasses together to make a clinking noise.

"Now why don't we have a speech from our two team captains?" Bonnie suggested, raising her eyebrow at me and Daniel.

We both rose from our spot on the couch and went to the front of the room.

"I just want to start off by thanking Bonnie. Without her, the sports program would've never happened and this win would have never happened. Next I would like to thank both our coaches for taking time off their busy lives to help us by coaching us and being patient with us when we don't get something right the first time," I started. "I thank you for developing us into the players we are today that have taken home the championships. This was a great highlight that happened this year, but it is just the beginning."

"Adding onto the thanking Bonnie part," Daniel cut me off, bringing the attention off of me and onto him. "Thank you for making us do the bonding thing no matter how stubborn we all are. You've created new friendships and even relationships among us all. I've got to admit it, your idea really helped."

I took the spotlight once again. "I'd like to thank all of you guys. Without you guys, there would be no team. I know I'm the team captain but without you guys, I could've never achieved my goal of finally winning the championships against Bridgewood. I love you guys. You've become like a second family to me and I hope we all can play together as a team sometime."

"Same goes for all my football boys," Daniel added. "Ya'll have become my bros and we've been through many ups and downs but we always pull through."

Everyone clapped as we finished our speech. I raised my glass and we did our final cheer.

"To a great season," I said, with a smile.

"And to new budding relationships," Daniel added.

We all clanked our cups together and broke off into our own mini conversations.

"That was a great speech, Kenn," Valentina told me, giving me a hug.

"Yeah I even teared up a little," Katie added with a small smile.

"Aww I love you guys," I returned the smile as I walked around to talk to more people.

I sat down on the couch when I was tired of walking around. I felt the seat next to me dip down from the weight.

I turned my head and was surprised to see Troy sitting next to me.

"Hey," he smiled.

"What brings you here?" I asked, raising my eyebrow.

"It's kinda a party for me also," he replied, giving me a boyish grin.

I rolled my eyes. "I mean what brings you to talk to me?"

He shrugged. "Well I just wanted to thank you."

"For what?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows in confusion.

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