Chapter 82: Ru Ware

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“What’s wrong?” Yin Shaoyuan asked.

“Nothing, just give me a second.” Her long eyelashes fluttered slightly and she turned her head to the side, her expression twitching slightly. Even Tang Yanling knew to color the walls of her room a pastel blue, why did he choose such a car?

Gu Xiqiao back at the car again, her lips still pursed. “Let’s recolor it.”

“Ah, so it’s the color that you don’t like!” Yin Shaoyuan chuckled. “Hey, I was the one that chose the model of this car, but Bro Jiang was the one that chose this color. I already picked a white one, but he pointed and this one and said to pick it! So…Do you still want to recolor it?”

This color was picked by Jiang Shuxuan? Gu Xiqiao facepalmed as she thought of the man’s sculpted features and ruthless cold demeanor…What was he thinking?

She knew that Yin Shaoyuan wouldn’t trick her about this, so she had even more of a headache.

“Get out the car, let me try it,” Gu Xiqiao said, gesturing for him to move.

“Are you sure you can do it?” Yin Shaoyuan was quite worried still, and it showed on his expression when he stepped out of the car. “Would you need me to sit in the passenger’s seat?”

Gu Xiqiao accepted the keys from him and got on the driver’s seat. “I’ve driven a tractor before, don’t look down on me.”

Yin Shaoyuan only stood there with his arms crossed, and only breathed a sigh of relief when he realized that she wasn’t doing anything wrong, as unfamiliar as her motions were.

As he looked at the girl that was driving the car, he was somewhat stunned for a bit as he realized why Jiang Shuxuan chose this color for Gu Xiqiao.

The color pink was a really picky color in regards to its user, and if the wrong people used it, it would seem gaudy and ostentatious, but Gu Xiqiao already seemed like a dainty porcelain doll that looked right at home in all the pink, especially her lithe and pretty hands that were contrasted by the black steering wheel. At the moment, her lips were pursed slightly and her brows furrowed in concentration, and it gave her a different appeal than she usually did.

“Bro really does have taste.” Yin Shaoyuan didn’t worry anymore upon seeing Gu Xiqiao getting better and better at driving. “No wonder he chose this color…I wonder if he knew that it would have this sort of effect?”

“Do I drive this car away right now or leave it here?”

Yin Shaoyuan had thought of letting her drive it away right there, but he gave up on the idea quickly. “I think there might be a bunch of useless men tripping over themselves and get into accidents with your car get to know you if you drove onto the road just like this…”

The more he thought about it, the more he thought that it was possible. “Just leave the car here and drive it away whenever you need it. I’ve already told the manager to have the employees remember your face so there shouldn’t be a problem.”

Gu Xiqiao nodded in response. She needed some time to accept this car, after all, the color was too…

After the two of them had lunch, they went on their separate ways.


The Antique Street of N City was always a hot spot for crowds of all ages alike, whether it was old people that had an eye for antiques or youngsters that wanted to buy treasure that always became the target of scams from the stall owners.

Gu Xiqiao was attracted by the hustle and bustle as soon as she got there.

Before she could step into the street, a system notification rang out.

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