Chapter 155: Follow Up Of The Storm, Yin Shaoyuan Awakens!

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In a lab in A University, Zhu Yuan had completed the report, and was confirming the time with the international organization. The person on the phone seemed to be a little absent-minded while dealing with him. There were many cases of cell fusions every year, and they were already used to dealing with people who called regarding this study. There were few who would patent this now, because there were just too many successful ones before them, and applying for this patent now felt like they were just stirring a cold pot of rice.

Knowing how these people thought, Zhu Yuan didn’t bother to explain much. He would wait until the day of the press conference, and he would stun all of them with this discovery!

After hanging up the phone, Zhu Yuan couldn’t help but read through the report again, because it felt like he would find new insights every time he read it again. At this moment, Professor Jiang came over in a hurry. “Zhu Yuan, look at this!”

Professor Jiang was waving his phone, a look of excitement on his face. You normally rarely see such a cheerful look on him, and Zhu Yuan took the offered device.

It was a surgery video, with a long commentary in Weibo attached below it.

Zhu Yuan glanced through the words half-heartedly in the beginning, not paying much attention to it as he scrolled down the long post. But over the few minutes, his expression became more serious as he processed the words properly.

The Weibo post was extremely long, recording the entire process of the operation. Some of the contents were simple and easy to understand, while others were obscure and difficult to comprehend. Even Zhu Yuan seemed to struggle as he read, making guesses as he continued downwards, feeling a burst of inspiration as he did. He noted down the things that he didn’t understand, planning to study it later on his own time, or wait till Gu Xiqiao returned so they could discuss it together. When he thought of her, he forwarded the Weibo post to her, wanting to hear her opinion on it.

At the end of the long Weibo post, it wrote: Some of the words written are written down exactly as how it was spoken. Because we didn’t understand the terms, we wrote it as it is, hoping that it will shed some light for everyone watching. However, I think we really should consider taking a minor in computer skills after this.

The last sentence gave off the feeling that the person who wrote it was sighing and mocking themselves, the view of the world for them must have really been turned upside down completely for them to be that way.

“Professor Jiang, do you know the contact information of this person?” Zhu Yuan was still reading, resisting the urge to watch it all over again as he wasn’t paying attention the first time, but he turned his bright eyes towards Professor Jiang instead.

Hearing those words, Professor Jiang’s face was a little strange with excitement. “Zhu Yuan, watch the video again.”

Although he didn’t get what Professor Jiang was trying to say, Zhu Yuan pressed on the video again.

The video was edited, and played at double speed, so it was only ten minutes long.

However even then, you could clearly see the movements of the person in it, from the initial actions of inserting a few needles, extracting out the bacteria, and creating the suppressant mixture on the spot.

Breaking down viruses and bacteria was also Zhu Yuan’s forte, and he could see far more than most average people who didn’t have an understanding in the medical field. He found the video infinitely more shocking than the text itself.

After watching it, Zhu Yuan dragged a hand down his face, and went silent. He spoke after a long while, his tone dry, “The leading doctor looks a little bit familiar…”

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