Chapter 193: Dream Disciple

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Murong Feiye stumbled upon an ocean of information the moment he tapped on the search suggestion.


“The owner of a cell fusion patent?”

“National idol?”

“Genius artist?”

“Prodigy of the national examination?”


Are they all talking about the same individual? Murong Feiye tapped on a random video, which turned out to be a promotional clip for the film, “Empire Under Siege”. For a few seconds after the clip had ended, he remained frozen in place. Then, he quickly replayed the video.

He was a fan of American big-budget production films; he had little to no interest in locally-produced entertainment and media. They were typically over-sensationalized, which he thought made a piece of art lose its meaning. However, this film was an exception. Every single character in the promotional clip was equally magnetic.

Since Li Yu was the main star of the film, Murong Feiye thought that the spotlight would focus mostly on him. To his amazement, every other character was more or less on par with him. Especially–the actress who was playing the character of Princess Qixia. If not for the comments section, he would not have believed that the elegant and alluring princess, who was dressed in bright red, was Gu Xiqiao.

Her bright eyes reminded him instantly of the Milky Way. Her red lips paired so well with her blood-red outfit that it stunned Murong Feiye.

“What did you find?” Seeing Murong Feiye freeze up like that, Baili Bin couldn’t help but give him a shake.

Murong Feiye regained his senses and immediately closed the video player. Tapping on another video of an art interview, he passed his phone over to Baili Bin. “Prepare yourself.” So many great awards. You could give either one of them to a normal person and that person would undoubtedly bathe in glory for the rest of eternity.

Never in a thousand years would he expect that a seemingly regular girl like Gu Xiqiao would possess so many achievements under her belt.

Baili Bin took the phone from his hand and glanced down at the video. Seems like someone was interviewing Gu Xiqiao. “Oh, I’ve seen this one before. She, she really is something else.” He was much calmer than Murong Feiye in response to this.

In that moment, Gu Xiqiao’s words repeated itself in his mind. It appears that the saying, “annihilation and strength” had become the motto of a great deal of young people.

Considering how young that girl was, it’s impossible that she had reached such heights overnight. She must have made an unthinkable amount of sacrifices in exchange for her achievements. A pain rose in his heart thinking about this.

“What? Lemme take a look!” Rong Feishuang was in the middle of a game of chess with Baili Qu when he overheard the young men’s conversation. Stealthily, he snuck up on their backs.

Baili Qu didn’t particularly mind when his opponents cheated or tried to undo his move. What he did not expect was for Rong Feishuang to run off when their match was not even remotely over! ‘What a disappointment,’ Baili Qu sighed. He made a note to himself to never play with this man ever again.

Fuelled by curiosity, he squeezed in to catch a glimpse of what they were looking at.

The video was shot from multiple angles, with multiple cameras. Finally, it showed Gu Xiqiao’s painting. On it was the compassionate and sincere face of a rural village woman. The young reporter then asked, “Is the subject of this painting a person made-up, or is she an actual person you have met?”

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