Chapter 153: Are You Sure You're Not Just Hastening His Death?

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Madam Qi walked two steps before suddenly pulling a waiter over to say something.

“Young Master Wang, please come this way.” Papa Qi was all respectful to the person he was talking to.

A young man was beside him, with a smile on his face. He was only wearing a normal suit, but the aura he exuded definitely screamed ‘aristocrat’, and this was definitely one of the big shots in N City.

“Mr. Qi, it’s your son’s wedding today, you don’t have to mind me too much.”

Papa Qi nodded his agreement with those words, but inside, how would he dare to do so? The Wang family was different from their kind of smaller families that started from the middle in life and slowly climbed up in status. Although Wang Jun was not old, his methods were quite sophisticated, and he was already the default heir to the Wang family.

Papa Qi’s boss, a political commissar was also sitting at the table, and he was sitting in the seat of honor. The moment he saw Wang Jun, he stood up, not even daring to make a squeak of complaint as he respectfully invited him to take the seat instead.

“Qi Hao, come and meet Young Master Wang.” Papa Qi looked at his son, who was standing to the side and he couldn’t help but frown.

Was his son such an idiot? How could he have so little insight?!

Wang Jun smiled as he turned to look, at first it was just a habit for him to glance around the place, but then he suddenly saw a familiar figure.

On the other side, a waitress was looking at Mrs. Zhang apologetically. “I’m sorry madam, but Madam Qi has requested that you leave the scene.”

“Didn’t she say we could stay here?” Mrs. Zhang had a disbelief expression on her face.

“I’m very sorry, but you need to leave.” The waitress said, and seeing that they were unwilling to move, she took out his walkie-talkie as though to contact security.

Gu Xiqiao was fiddling with her phone, but she raised her head when she heard the crackling noise. She calmly put away her phone, and pressed her hand on the waitress’ arm that was holding the device. Her lips curled up, and her melodious voice floated out. “Miss, please wait a minute.”

The crystal lamp reflected the light off the earnest expression on her porcelain face, and the waitress was momentarily stunned by the dazzling smile.

Gu Xiqiao smiled brighter, and the brighter her smile, the more the rage in her heart bubbled.

“Miss Gu.” Before Gu Xiqiao could make any move, a voice suddenly called out to her from the crowd at the banquet. She turned and was faced with a figure that she had some impression of.

She thought for awhile before hesitatingly opening her mouth, “… Wang Jun?”

Hearing his name from her lips, Wang Jun perked up, a spark flashing in his eyes. “Idol Gu, you actually remember my name?”

Papa Qi had initially been pulling Qi Hao over to familiarize himself with Wang Jun, but he didn’t expect the latter to have left in the other direction.

“Who’s that?” Papa Qi asked, pointing at the group of people as he asked Mama Qi.

If it was someone that Young Master Wang was acquainted with, it was definitely someone of higher statuses. They should have been invited to have a seat at the main table, how could they have been mixed into the normal crowd?

Madam Qi looked over, and her eyes widened. She saw Mrs. Zhang was standing there, and she couldn’t believe her eyes. “Isn’t that someone from the Liu family?”

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