Chapter 147: The Tang Enterprise Joins The Alliance, New Script Found

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Jiang Shuxuan deliberately ignored Gu Xiqiao this time. Instead, he asked very slowly, “What happened?”

These people were all keen-eyed; just a look was enough for them to discern that Jiang Shuxuan was no ordinary man.

The manager was not very familiar with Jiang Shuxuan  but he was well-acquainted with Boss Dai. He was a big shot in the Imperial Capital, with many business connections. There were even rumors going around that he had links to a mysterious force operating in the country. The manager glanced at the fuming woman, then at Jiang Shuxuan and Boss Dai. He spared not even a glance at Su Qing, who had gone silent.

If Boss Dai was the only one there, at least the manager could warn him about his problematic wife. However, there was someone else standing beside him and no doubt, he must’ve been a prominent figure in the Imperial Capital. After all, these people were not too uncommon; you could pull anyone on the streets to the side and you’d be surprised to find that they held some sort of power here in the capital. This unfortunately, was beyond the manager’s control.

The woman was the quickest to react. She tidied up her appearance and a friendly smile soon broke across her face. Upon realizing that Jiang Shuxuan was no ordinary Joe, she added a few more nasty remarks about the waitress before glancing at Gu Xiqiao. Then, she started babbling away.

She mainly did this out of envy. That pretty and young face, she must be a major slut!

Her mistreatment of the waitress also stemmed from a single minuscule issue. It was because the last time they were here, her husband had flashed the waitress a smile, and since then, she had been holding a grudge towards said waitress in her heart.

“Silence!” Boss Dai stopped his wife from making any more ridiculous statements. He glared at her angrily before turning over to Jiang Shuxuan with an apologetic look. “Women, amirite? I hope you won’t mind her misbehavior, Mr. Jiang.”

What a joke, to allow Jiang Shuxuan, the man who possesses supernatural powers, to listen to a woman’s nagging. Why would a man of his standing even need to listen to such puny matters? Boss Dai couldn’t help but ponder if his wife’s brains had been fed to the dogs for her to act this foolishly.

To Boss Dai’s surprise, instead of leaving the place, Jiang Shuxuan froze in his tracks.

“What did you say just now?” He paused as he stared straight into the woman’s eyes. Then, he pointed at Gu Xiqiao. “What did you say about her?”

The woman was abruptly taken aback. She struggled to respond to his question.

Boss Dai too, failed to react in time. It was only after seeing Jiang Shuxuan point at Gu Xiqiao did he truly give the girl a look. He was thoroughly shocked as he did so.

Judging on her looks alone, she seemed to also be a member of the upper class. It was then that Boss Dai realized how he was knee-deep in trouble. So this was the girl his wife was hurling insults at just now?

To confirm his suspicion, Jiang Shuxuan started talking again.

“Come here,” said Jiang Shuxuan as he waved at Gu Xiqiao. His face was dead serious. “I want you to apologize to Mrs. Dai. Foolish child, seems like you still have a lot to learn.”

“Ah!” Mrs. Dai cupper her hand over her mouth.

Who would’ve thought that this plain Jane was related to this extravagant-looking man? Mrs. Dai froze where she stood as her face became flushed from the intense awkwardness. Oh how much she wished to throw herself into a hole in the ground and disappear from the face of the Earth forever!

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