Chapter 192: New Neighbors

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“Gu… Gu Xiqiao?” Hua Jingya was thrown onto the ground in an ungraceful manner. It was only then that she got a good glimpse of that person’s face. A horrified scream echoed through the suburbs.

Night had already befallen the Imperial Capital. Although there were street lights around, Hua Jingya could not see clearly her abductor’s face despite her standing only five meters away. She did make out a pale face and a pair of familiar ink dark eyes.
Standing in front of her, her abductor towered over Hua Jingya

Hua Jingya slowly tried to get up on her feet. However, it was an effort in futility as her legs felt like they were electrocuted once more. The girl who was smiling sweetly at her played with a ball of purple electric sparks in her palms. It was at this moment that Hua Jingya understood how terrifying her foe was. And yet, she steadied herself. “Miss Gu, doing this will only earn you the Hua family’s vengeance.”

Gu Xiqiao narrowed her eyes. The sparks in her hand flickered more intensely. Wide-eyed, Hua Jingya kept her eyes glued onto that ball of lightning in horror.

The paralyzing pain that she anticipated did not arrive. Hua Jingya slowly peeled her eyelids open to see yet another figure standing in front of her.

“Does this young lady not understand that people from the ancient martial arts world are forbidden from interfering with the secular world?” Shi Haizhe slowly raised his head, taking a good look at the pretty face of the girl who was standing before him. A split-second later, his expression tensed up.

A glow returned to Hua Jingya’s eyes. It was as if she had seen the final straw that would save her life. Hastily, she clung onto the man’s clothes.

Gu Xiqiao furrowed her brows. “How troublesome.”

She raised her hand and swiftly deployed a barrier.




After a couple of dull thuds, she brushed her hands clean as if announcing that her work here was done and that she was satisfied. The hem of her coat drew an arc in the air, into which she climbed. What was left a second later was just a trail where she once stood.

Shi Haizhe froze up instantly. All he could do was watch Gu Xiqiao abuse Hua Jingya. He was stopped by an invisible barrier the moment he tried to reach out and stop the poor woman’s ordeal.

Since when did such a terrifying character start roaming around the Imperial Capital? Shi Haizhe was baffled by both the sparks in that girl’s hand as well as this unbreakable barrier she had casted on his body. Peering in the direction of where she left, a blinding ray emerged in his eyes.

Even Murong Miaoxue paled in comparison to her skills. She seemed to be pretty young. For such a young one to possess such great strength, if she wasn’t a part of the ancient martial arts world, she probably was a member of the reclusive aristocrats.

Suddenly, the wails of police sirens filled the air. Two patrol cars stopped beside him. The policemen that emerged from their vehicles were here to bring Hua Jingya away.

It was after this that Shi Haizhe discovered the barrier around him had disintegrated. He stood there for a while in a dazed state before laughing to himself quietly.

That girl from before probably casted this barrier on him to stop him from saving a damsel in distress. Still, astonishment swelled up in his chest after his laughter. To be able to maintain control over her barrier over such distances, and with so much precision as well! This was his first time experiencing such a thing.

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