Chapter 99: Rescue

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Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Tang Qinghong hung back at the tail end of the group as they walked deeper into the mountains, the impassive jade-like expression on his face slowly melting into a more stiff and imposing one.

 There were a considerate amount of towering trees in the mountain which obscured the view of the sky, and the temperature here was at least ten degrees lower than the inside. There were goosebumps on some of the girls’ arms, but it didn’t deter their adventurous spirit in the least. The person in the lead serving as the guide was obviously experienced, taking them down paths that were specific, and even playing a few games that they were unfamiliar with on the way.

 They would occasionally take a break and rest when they came across a spring, taking the time to eat the snacks that they had brought along. The guide even caught a few fishes from the water, putting together a soup with fish and fresh mushrooms. The big pot of soup was only enough to feed a few mouthfuls for everyone, and it served to be appropriate as a light refreshment.

 While everyone was having fun, Tang Qinghong was leaning against a tree alone, his eyes fixed on the deeper part of the forest, and he let his mind drift off in his thoughts.

 At the same time, there was a girl holding a bowl of soup, heading in his direction. Bao Xinyi stood in the stream after taking off her shoes, and when her gaze landed on the scene, her lips curled up into a sneer. Such wistful thinking. If Tang Qinghong was so easy to be won over, she wouldn’t even be standing here doing nothing in the first place. Just wait, you would turn around and run once you hit a dead end.

 “Young Master Tang, this is the fish soup made by the guide, would you like a taste?” The girl was giving him a sweet smile, making her seem cute and approachable. If it was anyone else, they wouldn’t reject such a cute girl.

 However, this was Tang Qinghong. “Thank you, but no.”

 The girl was obviously not going to give up, and just as she reached out to move forward another centimeter, she seemed to hit an invisible barrier. No matter what she did, she couldn’t move a single step forward.

 “I have mysophobia,” Tang Qinghong said in a firm tone, a frosty gleam in his eyes. There was a smile on his face, but the words were said with anything but warmth in them.

 The girl’s hand which she had raised stiffened and she retracted it quickly, hanging her head down before she turned to return to the others. As soon as she reached the side of the stream, she heard Bao Xinyi’s unrestrained laughter ring out, and her head snapped up. “Bao Xinyi, what are you laughing at?!”

 Bao Xinyi snorted coldly. “At you, obviously. How nice it must be, to have such a thick face!”


 It was impossible for the girl to not notice the underlying mocking tone that Bao Xinyi had said those words with. She could clearly feel the eyes of everyone else on them, and her lips quivered, her fist clenched tightly in rage. She raised a hand and pointed her finger at Bao Xinyi, unable to bring herself to speak for a long time, then suddenly turned around and ran towards the depth of the woods.

 After another ten minutes had passed, the guide cleared up all the pots and bowls. Gathering everyone together, he started the headcount, but his expression changed when he realized something. “Why is there one less person!”

 Bao Xinyi glanced over at the group, and realized that the girl she had laughed at had yet to return. She frowned. “So what if there’s one missing, we can just go on ahead…”

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